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This page contains instructions on how to add a sound to the system or edit existing sounds.

Table of Contents


System sounds can be managed by all the users registered in the system, regardless of their level. Service providers and organizations can also define shared sounds, but these can only be seen by the account they own. Non-system or non-shared sounds can only be used by the user that created them.

System sound files can be overwritten by replacing their content with a different sound. Sound files can be deleted or changed only by the user who added them. There are two types of sounds in VoipNow.

  • Music on hold sound files: They are played to the parties of a phone call that was put on hold; they can only be uploaded and not recorded over the phone and they are not language-specific because they are usually melodies.
  • Announcement sound files: They are played when the user gets notified on an event or when information is requested from the user; they can be either uploaded or recorded over the phone and they have different files for different languages, allowing the user to listen to the sound version specific to his language preferences. If the files in the requested language does not exist, then a default sound is played.

To reach the Sound Management page, go to Unified Communications in the side menu and click the Sounds icon under the Assets area.

Add sound manually

A new sound can be added only if at least one sound language is available!

To add a new sound:

  1. Click the Add Sound icon in the Tools area.
  2. Fill in the fields in the Sound Form:
    • Name: A descriptive name for the sound.
    • This is music on hold: When enabled, the sound is played to a caller on hold. Otherwise, the sound is used for announcement purposes only.
    • This is a system sound: When enabled, all the users in the system can see and use this sound file. Available only when you are adding sound files from the Unified Communications Assets → Sounds page, for the system sound files only.

    • Folder: Select the folder where the sound will be stored.

  3. If necessary, enable the Record over the Phone option. This option allows you to record the sound file over the phone.
  4. Click OK to confirm your settings. To go back to the previous page without adding anything, click Cancel.

Upload sound

Each sound object must have one default sound file associated. When uploading several sound files at the same time, make sure you select only one default file. Otherwise, VoipNow will display an error message.

To upload a sound file:

  1. Click the Browse button to locate it. VoipNow accepts the following extensions for sound files: .mp3, .wav, .gsm and .raw.
    • If you are uploading a Music on hold sound file (This is music on hold checkbox is selected), jump to the last step.
    • If you are creating an announcement sound (This is music on hold checkbox is not selected), continue with the next steps.
  1. Use the Language drop-down list to specify the language of the sound file uploaded to the system.
  2. Enable the Default sound file option.The default file is played for callers with a phone language that is unavailable for the sound.

  3. Click OK to save your settings and add the new sound. To go back to the previous page without adding anything, click Cancel.


Let's assume you have created a sound that announces callers that the extension user is on holiday. You have added English, French, and Dutch versions of the announcement and set the English file as default. The English sound version will be played to any caller that uses French and Dutch.

Edit sound

To edit a sound, click the name of the sound in the Sounds table and follow the same process for adding sounds for the first time.

The Edit Sound Information page does not allow editing of the sound's properties, but allows you to manage the sound files stored in the system for the current sound. You can listen to existing sound files, record or upload new ones for different languages.

NameRelated Topics

Operations with Sounds

Manage Sound Folders

Manage Sound Languages


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