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VoipNow is compatible with the Linux distributions:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x and newer Almalinux 8 (x86_64), 
  • Red Hat Enterprise Rocky Linux 8 (x86_64)CentOS 7.
  • x Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x86_64) CentOS 8 (x86_64(subscription required)


VoipNow can be installed in multiple ways, based on your environment and requirements. You will find all possible options below.


If you do not want to use virtualization at all, or you use any other bare metal virtualization software, you can use the ISO image. Find out how it's done.

Operating system installed


You must execute the VoipNow Command Line Installer or schedule the upgrade from the VoipNow web management interface.


If you installed VoipNow using the Virtuozzo templates and root access to Virtuozzo machine is available, you can upgrade using the Virtuozzo templates. Otherwise, you You must execute the VoipNow Command Line Installer or schedule the upgrade from the VoipNow web management interface.


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