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Excerpt is a Romanian e-commerce business, dedicated to mothers and kids on a fast growth path. needed a business phone system that can could provide effective communications while being very easy to operate by regular sales representatives.


Driven by these specific requirements, Mrs Tanase, the business owner, approached Optivoice – a Romanian service provider offering hosted PBX, SIP Trunking and VoIP services built around 4PSA’s VoipNow platform. The solution from Optivoice was very attractive to’s due to zero installation costs, possibility of monthly payments, and no contract lock-in. Also, due to the fact VoipNow is a cloud-based software, it eliminates the need for an unsightly physical PBX placed in a SMB office.

The chosen Optivoice bundle covered all of Mrs. Tanase’s needs: 5 extensions for all her staff, one DID, one IVR and queue, and monthly minutes included. The implementation was a breeze, Optivoice professional services team helping out from set-up and all the way to various integration and employee training.


  • Shorter calls by over 20%: call handling time has been reduced because through VoipNow's integration with their CRM system, agents know instantly who calls them and their relationship history.
  • Improved customer experience: almost all of the calls were now answered since a customer calling a single number was routed to any of the 5 sales agents.
  • Better business insights: VoipNow contact center features offer comprehensive statistics on the number of calls, call duration, and answer rate. These statistics enable the owner to improve staff performance as well as predict how the business should scale.
  • Better business integration: integration with a mail-to-SMS provider, was able to keep customers on the loop on their order status.
  • All these benefits came at the same price point as the mobile number from the traditional carrier.
