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This document describes the Cloud Management web interface, the facility for managing everything related to the VoipNow cloud infrastructure.

Table of Contents

titleSecurity Note

All infrastructure management operations must be performed on Infrastructure Controller node only!


The VoipNow Cloud Management Interface allows the administrator to manage the VoipNow infrastructure. It is available only to the system administrator in the web management interface.

It serves the following purposes:


Make the difference between the Node and the Role. The Node is the driver of the service (the addressable logical entity), while the role is part of the software service. When you configure the software, you configure the role. This role runs on a Node, which is an abstraction of a hardware machine.

Cloud management

The Cloud Management page section an overview of the Infrastructure. The page is split in two sections:


Manage infrastructure

The Infrastructure Operations section provides access to the following functionality:

  • Add Node - the tool to use if you want to add and configure a node in the infrastructure


Perform node operations

The Node Listing provides information about the existing nodes in the VoipNow infrastructure, in any status they might be, and allows you to perform some management actions for these nodes.


View node information

You can access Node Quick Information from the node listing, by clicking the View Info link. When opened, it displays the following information on a layer:

Quick info

This section contains general information about the node:

NodeIDThe ID of the node.
ContainerThe ID of the container where the node runs (if could be determined on provisioning).
Role(s) AssignedThe list of roles assigned on the node, separated by comma.
Session KeyThe generated session key.
CreatedWhen the node was created.
UpdatedWhen the node was updated.
VoipNow VersionThe version of VoipNow installed on the container that runs the node.
OSThe operating system installed on the container that runs the node.
KernelThe kernel installed on the container that runs the node.

This section contains the list of components on the node. These are basically all the components currently installed on the container that runs the node.

The following information is available:

  • Component – This column lists all installed components.
  • Version – The version and the build number.


Node status

A node may have one of the following statuses:

OfflineThe initial status of the node when added in the VoipNow Cloud Management.
StandByThis status is set up administratively to signal a node that exists on stand-by, but which has not been activated yet.
ActivateFailedThis status is automatically set up by VoipNow Cloud Management if the actual activation of the node fails.
DamagedThe node is known to administratively have problems.
OnlineThis status is automatically set up by VoipNow Cloud Management if the activation is successful, as indicated by the node.
DeletedThis status is setup when the node is administratively deleted by the Interface Controller (automatically or due to an user/API).
DeactivatedThis status is setup when the node is currently deactivated in the system, without being deleted.
DeactivatePendingThe node is in deactivation process, but it has not signed the completion of the process.

Fix node

This is useful for restoring the Online status of a Damaged node. A node can get in the Damaged state when an infrastructure change took place. This usually implies that the admin makes changes to some role's parameters.

After the administrator makes sure that the role is properly set up, he/she must use the [Fix Node] option to make the node Online and restore its functionality.

Delete node

The node can be totally deleted from the infrastructure by using the [Delete Node] option. This is not available when the node's status is Online or Damaged.

Delete role assignment

If the node's status is Offline, ActivateFailed or Deactivated, then you can use the [Delete Assignment] option to delete the assigned role. This is useful if you want to change the role with a different one. More information on roles can be found in the Set Up Role Parameters section.

Administrative removal of a role

To help with the first setup of the infrastructure, you can use the [Remove] option to unconditionally remove roles from the Infrastructure Controller node.

Leaving roles on the Infrastructure Controller node would consume a lot of the node's resources. While delegating the system's roles to other nodes, you can remove the ones that are no longer needed on the Infrastructure Controller node.


The Administrative Remove option is only available when less that three extensions are provisioned on the system and the role is on the same node as the Interface Controller. The status of the node is not important.

The [Remove] option is present next to the following roles:

  • SIP
  • PBX
  • Jabber
  • Queue
  • Management Interface

When you click the [Remove] link, a warning is issued and, after your approval, the role is removed. 

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