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4PSA VoipNow is a product that includes an open source IP PBX (Asterisk) and various management systems that make it a completely hosted VoIP solution. Normally, a PBX does not have a graphical user interface and editing must be made manually directly on specific files. With VoipNow, software installation and administration are performed remotely on a browser interface.


One concern: Am I safe?

A major worry for most VoIP users is whether it is prone to hacking or not. Internet telephony may seem liable to hacking at first. In fact, all internet solutions are. The risks of using VoIP do not exceed those that have already been accepted by businesses using the internet as part of their activities.

The truth is that open source PBXs tend to have a deficit in security. On the other hand, VoipNow has not been blamed for a hacking incident in the whole 5 years that it has been used. Troubles have come up that implied significant money loss for a few extensions. They were either caused by not being careful in keeping their password private or by using other PBX software besides VoipNow. The hacker was able to get inside the system through these and it affected VoipNow accounts, also.

Call your colleague: All you need is a phone.


Calls originating in the VoIP network will appear to users on the PSTN as originating from one of the assigned DID numbers.

You’re life is even easier: Automation

In addition to a visual interface, VoipNow also offers billing engine operations. With a regular IP PBX you most likely would have to export call records and then process them either manually or with another software product. This is not time effective and the reports may not be precise. VoipNow’s charging plans automate this operation for you and its call history based reporting is always exact.