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Putting it in as few words as possible, it is a concept that integrates real-time and non-real-time communication services.
The neighboring list is not complete. The complexity of the term comes from its tendency to continuously change. As new communication flows emerge, UC has to integrate them, and thus, gains an extended definition.

In its broadest sense, Unified Communications covers all forms of communication exchanged through the internet. This includes IPTV and digital signage, for instance.

One sure fact is that Unified Communications doesn't come as a product, but as a set of products put together in a consistent interface. This makes it desirable to users because of the easy access and the easy maintenance that this single interface provides.


Internet Telephony +
Video calling
Instant messaging

Unified Communications



Out of all the benefits that UC brings, the one that stands out is mobility. When travelling or whenever you are out of the office, all you need for a VoIP call and an online presence is a laptop with a broadband internet connection and an installed softphone on the said laptop. The softphone will only need to be
configured with the public IP address of the server running the IP PBX software as well as your authentication data. Imagine the increase in productivity
that this capability brings.

Wiki Markup
71% of small to medium businesses adopt wireless technology
56% is the percentage of time that an average mobile professionals works outside of the office


Human efforts are also considerably lowered with VoipNow since billing is also automated. With a regular IP PBX you most likely would have to export call records and then process them either manually or with another software product. This is not time effective and the reports may not be precise. VoipNow’s charging plans automate this operation for you and its call history based reporting is always exact.


Radian Group has a customer support team that has close to nothing to do They did it
Radian Group is a global provider of investment infrastructure. They implemented a UC solution and now, their CIO states that: “We didn't have one call to our Call Center. Now we have much less management complexity with the one converged network and this will allow us to get the next stage of capability to support our business growth." (Source)


  • Travelling costs – no more foreign calling cards, no more long distance calling fees
  • Telephone bills – your bill will be considerably lower with internet telephony
  • Hardware resources – you already own most of the required hardware
  • Human resources – your current staff can administrate the network; if your data is in the cloud, you don’t need to worry about anything
  • Work efficiency – your staff communicates better and, thus, works better
  • One purchase -  you only need one client application for all communication means

A hospital trust has nothing but advantages with automation They did it
John Thornbury, director of ICT for Worcestershire Acute Hospitals trust, says the local NHS is saving £300,000 annually through replacing an outdated telephone service with a unified communications system from the same supplier. It also allows staff to use videoconferencing, reducing travel time and carbon emissions. The chief operating officer now uses this for meetings with his staff, as well as getting automated alerts if someone has waited for more than three hours in accident and emergency.
