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Out of all the benefits that UC brings, the one that stands out is mobility. When travelling or whenever you are out of the office, all you need for a VoIP call and an online presence is a laptop with a broadband internet connection and an installed softphone on the said laptop. The softphone will only need to be configured with the public IP address of the server running the IP PBX software as well as your authentication data. Imagine the The increase in productivity that this capability brings is huge.

Wiki Markup
{color:white}71% of small to medium businesses adopt wireless technology{color}
{color:white}56% is the percentage of time that an average mobile professionals works outside of the office{color}


Once you have all these, you’ll be able to make calls within your network. To get in touch with the outside world, you will need one or more SIP channelstrunks. SIP stands for Session Instantiation Protocol and is the most common protocol for VoIP on the internet today. SIP trunking providers operate an infrastructure that can route and connect the calls originating from your system to phone numbers on other infrastructures (IP networks or PSTN). Your local telephone company provides one or more trunk lines to the customer for connection to the customer's PBX and allocates a range of telephone numbers to this line (or group of lines) and forwards all calls to such numbers via the trunk.


Human efforts are also considerably lowered with VoipNow since billing is also automated. With a regular IP PBX you most likely would You don't have to export call records and then process them either manually or with another software product. This is not time effective and the reports may not be precise. VoipNow’s charging plans automate this operation for you and its call history based reporting is always exact.


Radian Group has a customer support team can breathe easy
Radian Group is a global provider of investment infrastructure. They implemented a UC solution and now, their CIO states that: “We didn't have one call to our Call Center. Now we have much less management complexity with the one converged network and this will allow us to get the next stage of capability to support our business growth." (Source)

Reduce Costs

In today’s market environment, customers often chase the lowest price using their service provider only as a means of access. Once online, they subscribe elsewhere for free e-mail and other web tools.

Price continues to be the top reason to switch providers, but it is not the only one. Attracting and retaining customers requires developing services that promote loyalty. Creating services that customers cannot get elsewhere — and on which they depend — is the best way to develop devoted subscribers.

Many service providers point to spam and viruses as the single biggest factor associated with increasing costs. It’s a lot of effort just to assure you deliver only safe e-mails. But spam and viruses are not the only issues affecting costs. Poor scalability and performance, increasing licensing fees, and the high cost of maintaining infrastructure and supporting customers also contribute to rising costs.

How you will save money:

  • Travelling costs – no more foreign calling cards, no more long distance calling fees
  • Telephone bills – your bill will be considerably lower with internet telephony
  • Hardware resources – you already own most of the required hardware
  • Human resources – your current staff can administrate the network; if your data is in the cloud, you don’t need to worry about anything
  • Work efficiency – your staff communicates better and, thus, works better
  • One purchase -  you only need one client application for all communication means
