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Applies to VoipNow 3 and higher!

This article explains where voicemail, fax messages, call recordings files are stored if you're using a local file system as storage.

Voicemail files

Voicemail messages are stored in the following location:

Code Block

This folder contains subfolders dedicated to each organization, named after the Organization ID. Each subfolder contains other subfolders dedicated to each extension, named after the extension's short number.

The extension folders contain subfolders for each sound type:

  1. INBOX stores all the voicemail messages of an extension.
  2. tmp is a temporary folder used by Asterisk for creating the voicemail audio file. Once the message is finished, it gets moved to the INBOX folder.

For instance, the folder /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/0003/001/INBOX/ will store messages for extension 001, which belongs to Organization 0003.

Greetings sounds for an extension voicemail system are stored in /var/spool/asterisk/<userID>/<extensionId>/vsounds and saved as .wav files with the following names: busy, unavail, temporary and name.

For instance, the folder /var/lib/asterisk/.0005/2/vsounds/ will store all the greetings messages for extension 001 owned by User 0005, who belongs to Organization 0003.

Fax files

Fax messages are stored in the following location:

Code Block

This folder contains subfolders for each extension and are named after the extension's extended number.

Fax messages are stored in PDF format with the following layout: <ID>.pdf where <ID> represents the ID of the entry in the extension_fax_center table from the database.

The following example illustrates a typical fax message path and file name.

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Recording files

Recorded calls are stored in the following location:

Code Block

This folder contains subfolders dedicated to each extension, named after the extension's extended number.

Recorded calls are stored in MP3 format using the following layout: <ID>.mp3 where <ID> represent the ID of the entry in the extension_recording table from the database.

The following example illustrates a typical recorded call path and file name.

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Sound files

Sound files uploaded by users are stored in the following location:

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This folder contains sounds uploaded by the system administrator from the Unified Communication → Sounds page available in the VoipNow interface. It also contains subfolders dedicated to each organization, named after the accountID. Each subfolder stores the sounds uploaded by that particular organization.

The following example illustrates a typical path for sound files uploaded by Organization 0003.

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Each account can create its own sound folders for uploading sounds. For instance, if the Organization 0003 has created a folder named mysound, it will be saved like this.

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When storing sounds for a phone language different than English, a subfolder named after the language code is added at the end of the regular path. For instance:
  • /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/ contains the sounds uploaded by the system administrator for the Spanish interface.
  • /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/es/ contains the digit sounds uploaded by the system administrator for the Spanish interface.

The same for user accounts that are trying to upload sounds for an alternate language

  • /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0003/mysounds/ contains sounds uploaded by user 0003 for the English sound pack.
  • /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0003/mysounds/es/ contains sounds uploaded by user 0003 for the Spanish sound pack.

Music on hold files

The music on hold sound files uploaded by users are stored in the following location:

Code Block

This folder contains subfolders dedicated to each organization, named after the organization ID. Each subfolder stores the music on hold sounds uploaded by that particular organization.

The following example illustrates a typical path for the music on hold sound files for Organization 0003.

Code Block

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