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This page contains instructions on how to edit email notifications and the tags required for the customization of Unified Communications email templates.

Table of Contents


To access the the Email Templates Management page page, go to Unified Communications option option in the side menu and click on the the Email Templates icon icon under the the System Templates area area.

VoipNow can email these notifications to the system administrator(s), the service providers and/or to a custom email address. Please note that the email address can contain characters from any official language script. Domain names that contain these special, so called non-ASCII, characters are called Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). VoipNow supports IDNs.

Edit a template

To customize the subject or the content of an email notification:

  1. Click the the icon corresponding to the chosen event. 
  2. In the the Edit Email Template page page, enter the email subject and body keeping in mind that:
    • You may use only plain text when writing the email subject and body. The email is also sent in plain text format.
    • You can include tags that will be automatically replaced by the system with the appropriate content (e.g.   [recipient_name]  is is replaced with the name of the person receiving the notification). 
  3. Click OK Click OK to save the changes to the email template.  To return to the previous page without saving the changes, click click Cancel.

Template types

VoipNow comes with several email templates, depending on the event they are related to:

  • Voicemail message notification:  This email notification is sent when a voicemail message is received by a user account.
titleClick here to see the tags used in this template.

[VM_CALLERID]The callerID of the person who left the voicemail message.
[VM_NAME]The name of the contact person specified for the user account that receives this notification. This is the name specified in the provided user information.
[VM_MSGNUM]The received voicemail message identification number.
[VM_MAILBOX]The short extension number of the user who receives the email.
[VM_DATE]The date when the message was recorded.
[VM_DUR]The recorded message length.

  • Fax message received:  This email notification is sent after a fax message has been received by an extension.   If an extension uses several email addresses for handling fax messages, the notification is received by the email address targeted by the event, and not by the extension owner's address.
titleClick here to see an example and the tags used in this template.

Example: Extension 001*003 is registered to and can handle fax messages. Other three email addresses,, and, use the extension's fax function as well.
If the fax message sent by is accepted, the email notification is sent to his address and not to the extension owner's,



[FAX_CSID]The callerID of the person who sent the fax.
[FAX_FILENAME]The name of the sent fax message.
[FAX_FILESIZE]The size of the sent fax message.
[FAX_DATE]The date when the fax was sent.
[FAX_PAGES]The number of pages sent by fax.

  • Sent fax accepted:  This email notification is sent after a fax message has been accepted by the receiver.   If an extension uses several email addresses for handling fax messages, the notification is received by the email address targeted by the event, and not by the extension owner's address.
titleClick here to see an example and the tags used in this template.

Example: Extension Extension 001*003 is is registered to to and and can handle fax messages. Other three email addresses,, and  and, use the extension's fax function as well.
If the fax message sent by by is is accepted, than the email notification is sent to his address and not to the extension owner's,

[recipient_name]The name of the person who sent the fax message.
[fax_numbers]The receiver's phone number(s) the fax message was sent to.
[voipnowurl]The VoipNow server URL that has to be clicked in order to schedule the sending of the accepted fax message.
[fax_id]/[fax_uniqueid]The identification numbers used for the fax message.

  • Sent fax not accepted:  This email notification is sent if the receiver did not accept the fax message.   If an extension uses similar addresses for handling fax messages, the notification is received by the email address targeted by the event, and not by the extension owner's address.
titleClick here to see an example and the tags used in this template.

Example: Extension 001*003 is registered to and can handle fax messages. Other three email addresses,, and, use the extension's fax function as well.

If the fax message sent by is not accepted, than the email notification is sent to his address and not to the extension owner's,

[recipient_name]The name of the person who sent the fax message.

The phone number(s) the fax message failed to reach.

[cause]The reason for which the fax was rejected.

  • Fax delivery report:  VoipNow can provide a delivery report for all the fax messages that were successfully sent.


  • Pre-Approved Fax Accepted:  The The Pre-Approved Fax mechanism mechanism is designed to allow sending a fax message to a particular extension without adding its authorized source email address in VoipNow. Also, it will no longer be required to click a link in order to accept sending the fax message.


To restore the default notification settings and email contents, click the the Default icon icon. This will not overwrite the other email address destination.

NameRelated Pages

Customize Notification Settings

Set Security Email Templates

Set Service Provider Email Templates

Set Organization Email Templates

Set User Email Templates



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