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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. From the first drop-down list, select the type of records that will be modified. You have the following options:
    • NS, A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, TXT and , SRV, CAA records for Forward Zones;
    • NS, PTR and TXT records for Reverse Zones;
    • NS and NAPTR records for E.164 zones
  2. From the second drop-down list, select the matching algorithm. You have the following options:
    • equals when the value parameter of the records must be identical to the specified value.
    • containswhen the value parameter of the records must contain the specified value.
  3. Specify the search criteria in the first text box. You can use the * character to match any set of characters.
  4. From the third drop-down list, select the the action you would like to perform on the matching records. You have the following options:

    • replace withif you want to modify the matching records.
    • drop record if you want to to erase them
  5. In the last text box, enter the new value that will be used to modify the respective records.


    This text box is disabled if in the previous drop-down list you selected drop record.


    If you want to have the domain name automatically completed, enter [domain] in the text box.


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