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This page describes the authorization process of third-party Apps with VoipNow.

Table of Contents


The App is required to use TLS when making for any of the requests described below.

Access token validity & expiration

Access token tokens obtained from VoipNow become valid as soon as they are received and can be used in API requests. Access tokens are only valid for 2 hours1 hour. After 2 hours1 hour, the access token is expired and the App must request another token or or refresh it.

Obtain authorization


The App redirects the user to the server authorization endpoint. The App must make a HTTP POST or GET request to the authorization endpoint located at https://<hostname>/oauth/authorize.php. The App must make a request to the endpoint in order to get the token, either using GET or POST. When making the request, the header Content-Type must be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the body must contain the Request Parameters listed in the table below:

response_typeYesAlways set to code.

URI where the system sends the response.

Must be URL encoded if it's sent in the query parameters.

client_idYesApp Key as generated by the system at registration time.
No, but recommended

Parameter to be used by the App to verify if the response received from the system is valid.

From the point of view of the server, it does not matter how the state parameter is generated

Should be a random string of minimum 16 characters.

The following example shows how to make a POST request to the authorization endpoint:


We strongly advise you to send the state parameter in the request and validate/invalidate the response received from the system, if the state does not correspond to the one initially sent.


The authorization code received has a 10-minute lifetime of 10 minutes.

Step 5

The App must request an access token. Using the authorization code received in the previous step, the App must make a HTTP POST request to the token endpoint located at https://<hostname>/oauth/token.php. The request URI is made using the following parameters in the body and it uses the  When making the request, the header Content-Type must be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. The and the body must contain the Request Parameters are listed in the table below:

grant_typeYesAlways set to authorization_code
codeYesThe code received in STEP 4.
redirect_uriYesURI where the system returns the response.
client_idYesApp Key as generated by the system at registration time.

App Secret as generated by the system at registration time.

Can be missing if sent in the Authorization header.

The following example shows how to make a POST request to the token endpoint:



Client authentication is performed as described in the OAuth standard: This means that the client_id , and client_secret parameters can be sent in the Authorization header or in the body of the request.

Step 6

The App receives the access token. Assuming that the code is still valid and the operation is successful, the App receives the following response.:

Code Block
titleHTTP Response
HTTP 1.1 200 OK



  • access_token: Value of the access token. This value is used when making requests to APIs.
  • expires_in: Period of time, in seconds, during which the token is valid.
  • token_type: The type of the token. Only Bearer is possible.
  • refresh_token: Refresh token that can be used to regenerate the token once expired.
  • device_id: The id ID of the device associated with the token.

 When the token expires, the App can use the refresh token to generate another access_token or repeat the steps described above.


The App requests an access_token. It makes a HTTP POST request to the token endpoint located at https://<hostname>/oauth/token.php. The request URI is made using the following parameters in the body and it uses the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. The Request Parameters are listed in the table below:

grant_typeYesAlways set to client_credentials
client_idYesApp Key as generated by the system at registration time.

App Secret as generated by the system at registration time.

Can be missing if it's sent in the Authorization header.


Client authentication is performed as described in the OAuth standard: This means that the client_id , and client_secret parameters can be sent in the Authorization header or in the body of the request.


The App requests an access_token. It makes a HTTP POST request to the token endpoint located at https://<hostname>/oauth/token.php. The request URI is made using the following parameters in the body and it uses the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.

grant_typeYesAlways set to refresh_token
client_idYesApp Key as generated by the system at registration time.

App Secret as generated by the system at registration time.

Can be missing if it's sent in the Authorization header.

refresh_tokenYesThe refresh token received in STEP 6 (The Request User Permission Section).

Client authentication is performed as described in the OAuth standard: This means that the client_id and client_secret parameters can be sent in the Authorization header or in the body of the request.


At any time, the user can remove the authorization granted to the App following the recommendations in the Apps Management section.


Using an


Access Token

When making requests using one of the APIs, you can make use of accessaccess_tokens. For more details, check out the authentication section of the UnifiedAPI or SystemAPI documentation.

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