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This page contains general and specific instructions on how to translate DNS Manager.

Table of Contents


General advice

Translate only the text on the right of the equal sign.

Make sure you do not translate keywords. This can accidentally happen if you if you use the Search and Replace All function available in most text editors.


If the text contains single quotes, you must insert a backslash (\) in front of front of the quote, like in this example:   'Don\'t forget to escape single quotes in this text.'

Do not translate template fields.
The language files also contain some special elements called template fields.  They They come in the form of text surrounded by braces ({template filed}).  These These fields are automatically replaced by context–specific information.  Below Below is an example of a language file entry containing a template field:


$msg_arr['java_send_ok'] =  'The email was sent to {mail}.';

In the 4PSA DNS Manager interface, this entry can be displayed as:  The The email was sent to John Smith..

Deleting or even modifying these template fields will result in incomplete phrases being displayed in the 4PSA DNS Manager interface and may cause undesired behavior.


It is essential that the language interface file does not contain PHP syntax errorssyntax errors. To make sure that the translated file is valid, you can use a text editor text editor that can check the PHP code and find errors.  There There are many editors with this capability, on a commercial as well as freewareas freeware, shareware or open-source basis. One example is is jEdit, a free and free and powerful text editor. The The PHP parser function can can be installed as a as a plug-in.

Translate the interface language file


  1. Get the language pack component files in English.
  2. Translate the interface language file.
  3. Compile the language pack.
  4. Install the language pack.
  5. Distribute the language pack.

The standard 4PSA DNS Manager distribution comes with a couple of scripts that scripts that help you create and install language packs. These scripts can be found at <DNSMANAGERat <DNSMANAGER_ROOT_D>/bin/utils/. 

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