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This page describes the interface language file.

Table of Contents


The interface language file is a .php file, so it must follow the syntax rules of rules of the PHP programming language.  The The language file is a sequence of array element definitions.

Each definition definition contains two parts. The text that should be translated is the text on the right side of side of the equal sign (=) and enclosed in single quotes (').


Where btn_help is called a keyword and Help is the text that must be translatedbe translated.

Interface language file structure

The content of a language file is structured in several sections. Each section corresponds section corresponds to a type of element of the 4PSA DNS Manager interface. Here is an alphabetical an alphabetical list of these sections:

//button names
//context help messages
//HTML alert titles and bodies
//JavaScript messages
//left frame section
//legend section
//tab titles
//table headers
//text labels
//warning and error messages


Each language file should contain a header with the following information: 

  • The language of the translation.
  • The person responsible for the translation of the file.
  • The email address of the person responsible for the translation.
  • The 4PSA DNS Manager version number for which the language file was createdwas created.


Here is an example of a header for an interface language file in English:


// Local file for English language
// Maintained by Rack-Soft, Inc (
// 4PSA DNS Manager 3x.7x.0x

Context help messages section

This section contains the help messages displayed in the Help area located in located in the left frame of every 4PSA DNS Manager interface. The array keys for the entries the entries in this section begin with different keywords, as described below:

  • b_ for entries containing the help message displayed when the mouse pointer mouse pointer moves over a button;
  • i_ for entries containing the help message displayed when the mouse pointer mouse pointer moves over an icon;
  • l_ for entries containing the help message displayed when the mouse pointer mouse pointer moves over a link;

HTML alert titles and bodies section

This section contains the text displayed in HTML alerts. A HTML alert is a error a error or warning message displayed at the top of the page. The array keys for alert titles begin with the keyword mt_. The array keys for alert titles begin with the with the keyword mb_.

The JavaScript Messages Section This Section This section contains the text related to the Javascript sections of the 4PSA DNS DNS Manager. The array keys for the entries in this section begin with the keyword javakeyword java_, followed by the message description. 

Left frame section

This section contains the entries in the left frame area of the 4PSA DNS ManagerDNS Manager. The array keys for the entries in this section begin with the keyword lfkeyword lf_, followed by the message description.


This section contains the text displayed in the text areas surrounded by a border a border in the main area of the 4PSA DNS Manager interface. The array keys for the for the entries in this section begin with the keyword lg_, followed by the message descriptionmessage description.

SOAP section

This section contains the text used in SOAP API messages. The array keys for keys for the entries in this section begin with the keyword soap_.


This section contains the titles of tabs in a multi-tab page. The array keys for keys for the entries in this section begin with the keyword tab_.


This section contains the text displayed in the header of any table that appears that appears in the 4PSA DNS Manager interface. The array keys for the entries in this section this section begin with the keyword header_, followed by the message description.


This section contains the text displayed in the main area of the 4PSA DNS Manager DNS Manager interface. This text is not included in any other section of the language file language file (independent text). The array keys for the entries in this section contain a short a short description of the text that will be displayed.


This section contains warning and error messages displayed in the main area main area of the 4PSA DNS Manager interface. The array keys for the entries in this section this section contain a short description of the error that was encountered.

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