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This page describes how to create a DNS Manager translation.

Table of Contents


When translating the 4PSA DNS Manager interface, you have two options:


To translate the interface messages and view your translation in the


DNS Manager interface remember the translation advice

It is not recommended to translate the HTML files available in the directory <DNS Manager_ROOT_D>/admin/htdocs/help/en because it will be much more complicated to update any changes that appear between product versions.

The help files are generated automatically using XML/ XSLT technology. If you want to translate the online help, please contact <> to obtain the XML source document of the online help and more instructions.

Get the language pack component English files

  1. Change the current directory to: <DNSMANAGER_ROOT_D>/bin/utils/
  2. Run the script This sh This script will ask you to enter the ISO code of the language for your 4PSA DNS DNS Manager translation.
  3. The script creates a new directory named language_packs/<LANGUAGE_CODE> which contains all the files needed by the language pack.
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Translate the interface language file

Translate the file created in the previous step: language_packs/<LANGUAGE_CODE>/language/<LANGUAGE_CODE>.php. 

You can use your favourite favorite text editor. However, make sure that the file is PHP valid valid (for more details, follow the Tips ).

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Compile the language pack

  1. Change the current directory to: <DNSMANAGER_ROOT_D>/bin/utils/.
  2. Run the script The script will ask you to enter:
      • The ISO code of the language of the 4PSA DNS Manager translation.
      • The name of the language of the 4PSA DNS Manager translation.
      • The version of the 4PSA DNS Manager product corresponding to the translated the translated language pack.

    The script searches the current directory for a sub-directory named after the ISO the ISO code of the language. If you have skipped the first step (Get the language pack language pack component English files), the script will display an error message because message because it cannot find the sub-directory  LANGUAGELANGUAGE_NAME>.
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  3. The script creates two files that can be used for installing the language pack:


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Install the language pack


  • From the directory <DNSMANAGER_ROOT_D>/bin/utils/language_packs/on your server.
  • Run the dnsmanager<PRODUCT_VERSION>_<LANGUAGE_NAME>.sh script created script created previously.
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Follow these steps:

  1. Log in the 4PSA DNS Manager interface with the administrator account.
  2. Go to the PBX » Languages » Add language page.
  3. Upload the dnsmanager<PRODUCT_VERSION>_<LANGUAGE_NAME>.tar.gz file gz file previously created.

Distribute the language pack

If you have created a language pack for 4PSA DNS Manager, please distribute please distribute it.


Send it at the following email address <docs@4psa<>com>. Please do not use other channels to share the language packs.


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