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This page contains instructions on how to manage queue agents.

Table of Contents


After being configured from the interface, remote agents can connect to a queue by using a Queue login center extension.

The available controls are grouped into the two sections described below.


The Tools section allows you to define the extensions and the remote agents that will be granted access to this queue:

Queue agents information

The Queue Agents Information table displays an overview of the agents already defined for the current queue, both local and remote.


The Queue Agents Information table allows you to change a specific agent's role with a click on the Type icon:

Local queue agent: Click this icon if you want to set the local agent as a queue supervisor.
Queue supervisor: Click this icon if you want to revert the supervisor to a normal queue agent.

For more information on the extra features available to a queue supervisor, please read the Queue Supervisor section below.


Remote queue agents cannot be set defined as supervisors.

Queue supervisor


A queue supervisor extension can log in to the queue only after dialing the PIN code set up from its Queue Membership page. For more information about how to configure the access code, see The Phone Terminal's Queue Membership section.

Edit agent

To edit one of the available agent's parameters, click its corresponding link in the Agent column of the Queue Agents Information table and use the controls available in the displayed pop-up panel. For more details on how to configure the specific parameters, see the Add local agent or the Add remote agent sections, depending on the agent type.


To modify the penalty set for the agent, fill in another value in the the Penalty column text box. The accepted values range from 0 - the most calls will be assigned to this agent to 100 - the highest penalty level, causing the fewest calls to be distributed to this agent.
For more details, see the Add local agent section.

Set state

The queue agent's status that can be managed by clicking the link available in the State column of the Queue Agents Information table. A pop-up window will be displayed, allowing you to choose the desired action.


If the agent is Logged out, click the link in the State column of the Queue Agents Information table and choose the action you want to perform from the pop-up window.This

  1. A pop-up window


  1. similar to the one below lets you to log in a local agent and


  1. choose the extension where he will


  1. be receiving calls


  1. Panel



  1. This will log in the agent <extension_number> on extension <extension>. He will be able to receive calls immediately. Are you sure?


    • <extension_number>: The agent's extension number.
    • <extension>: By default, the calls are routed to the agent's extension, but you can use the drop-down list to choose another one. All the extensions that belong to the same organization account are displayed. This feature is useful when the agent is away from his office and he can log in to the queue only from one of his colleagues' extensions.

    The extensions that do not have the User is multi user aware option enabled from their Roles and Phone Numbers page can log in to the queue ONLY from their account. If the User is multi user aware option is enabled, then the extension can log in from any other multi user aware user belonging to the same organization account.

    The actions available are:

    • Yes, I want to log in the agent to the <queue_number> queue only: Click


    • to log in the local agent to the current queue only.
    • Yes, I want to log in the agent to all queues:


    •  Click to log in the local agent simultaneously to all the queues he is member of.
    • No, forget about this:


    •  Click to close the panel without logging in the local agent.

    If the agent


  1. is Logged in, click the link in


  1. the State


  1.  column of


  1. the Queue Agents Information


  1.  table and choose the action you want to perform from the pop-up window.


  1. A pop-up window


  1. similar to the one below lets you pause a local agent.


  1. Panel


  1. You can immediately pause agent <extension_number> on phone <connected_to>. Are you sure?


    • <extension_number>:


    •  The agent's extension number.
    • <connected_to>:


    •  The number of the extension the local agent is logged in from.

    The actions available are:

    • Yes, I want to pause the agent on <queue_number> queue only: Click


    • to pause the local agent on the current queue. When paused, an agent cannot receive calls.
    • Yes, I want to pause the agent on all queues:


    •  Click to pause the local agent on all the queues he is member of.



  1.  A pop-up window similar to the one below lets you log out a local agent.


    You can log out agent <extension_number> from phone <connected_to> immediately. Are you sure?

    The actions available are:

    • Yes, I want to log out the agent from the <queue_number> queue only: Click


    • to log out the local agent from the current queue.
    • Yes, I want to log out the agent from all queues:


    •  Click to log out the local agent from all the queues he is member of.
    • No, forget about this: Click


    • to close the panel without logging out or pausing the local agent.

    If the agent


  1. is Paused, click the link in


  1. the State


  1.  column of


  1. the Queue Agents Information


  1.  table and choose the action you want to perform from the pop-up window.


  1. A pop-up window


  1. similar to the one below allows you to unpause a local agent.





  1. This will unpause agent <extension_number> on phone <connected_to>. He will be able to receive calls immediately. Are you sure?

    The actions available are:

    • Yes, I want to unpause the agent on {queue_number} queue only:


    •  Click to enable the local agent to receive calls on the current queue.
    • Yes, I want to unpause the agent on all queues:


    •  Click to unpause the local agent and


    • allow him to receive calls on all the queues he is member of.
    • No, forget about this:


    •  Click to close the panel without unpausing the local agent.

Remote agent

If the agent is Logged out, click the link in the State column of the Queue Agents Information table and choose the action you want to perform from the pop-up window.


This pop-up window allows you to log in a remote agent whose registration is made based on a fixed phone number. The following message is displayed:


This will log in agent <agent_id> on the device with number <phone_number>. He will be able to receive calls immediately. Are you sure?


  • <agent_id>: The remote agent's identification number.
  • <phone_number>:- The  The specified Agent phone number. All the remote agent's calls will be routed to this number.


  • Yes, I want to log in the agent to the <queue_number> queue only: Click this action if you want to log in the remote agent to the current queue only.
  • No, forget about this: Click here to close the panel without logging in the remote agent.


The remote agent can be registered on any phone terminal, regardless of its number, therefore he will be able to log in to the queue from any public number.This

  1. A pop-up window similar to the one below allows you to log in a remote agent whose registration is made dynamically, from any phone number. Anytime you want to log in such an agent you will be required to specify the


  1. number you want to register.


  1. Panel


  1. This will log in agent <agent_id> on the device with number <phone_number>. He will be able to receive calls immediately. Are you sure?


    • <agent_id>: The remote agent's identification number.
    • <phone_number>:


    •  Specify the remote agent's phone number you want to register to the queue.

    It is mandatory to fill in a phone number in order to register the agent to the queue!

    The available actions are:

    • Yes, I want to log in the <phone_number> to this queue: Click


    • to register the specified phone number to the queue. The remote agent will be able to answer the calls from this number.
    • No, forget about this: Click


    • to close the panel without logging in the remote agent.

    If the agent


  1. is Logged in, click the link in


  1. the State


  1.  column of


  1. the Queue Agents Information


  1.  table and choose the action you want to perform from the pop-up window.


  1. A pop-up window similar to the one below allows you to


  1. pause a remote agent.

The following messages are displayed:

  1. Panel


  1. You can immediately pause agent <agent_id> on phone <connected_to>. Are you sure?


    • <agent_id>:


    •  The remote agent's identification number.
    • <connected_to>:


    •  The public phone number the remote agent is logged in from.

    The only available action


  1. is Yes, I want to pause the agent. Click


  1. to pause the remote agent on the current queue.


    When paused, an agent cannot receive calls.

  2. A pop-up window similar to the one below allows you to a log out a remote agent.



  1. You can log out agent <agent_id> from phone <connected_to> immediately. Are you sure?

    The actions available are:

    • Yes, I want to log out the agent: Click


    • to log out the remote agent from the current queue.
    • No, forget about this: Click


    • to close the panel without logging out or pausing the remote agent.

    If the agent


  1. is Paused, click the link in


  1. the State


  1.  column of


  1. the Queue Agents Information


  1.  table and choose the action you want to perform from the pop-up window.


  1. A pop-up window


  1. similar to the one below lets you unpause a remote agent.




    This will unpause agent <agent_id> on phone <connected_to>. He will be able to receive calls immediately. Are you sure?

    The actions available are:

    • Yes, I want to unpause the agent:


    •  Click to allow the remote agent to receive calls again on the current queue.
    • No, forget about this: Click


    • to close the panel without unpausing the remote agent.

Agent report

Click the icon  icon in the R column of the Queue Agents Information table to view the agent report. For more details, see the Agent Status section section.



Wizbox Tutorial on Local Agents

Wizbox Tutorial on Remote Agents

Add Local Agent


How local agents work

How remote agents work

Add a local agent

Add a remote agent




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