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VoipNow 3 extends support for SIP TCP Protocol and thus becomes compatible with Microsoft Lync. This article comprises the steps required for Microsoft Lync integration with VoipNow as well as references to VoipNow 3 configuration.

Table of Contents


Before proceeding to the actual integration, make sure you have completed the following:

  • Microsoft Lync deployment
  • 4PSA VoipNow 3 deployment
  • Enabled Sip Trunking license

For info on how to setup Microsoft Lync, please consult Microsoft Lync's documentation.

VoipNow 3 Configuration for Microsoft Lync

To complete 4PSA VoipNow 3 configuration for Microsoft Lync, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Configure an extension account.

If you haven't done it already or don't know how to do it, please refer to the VoipNow Getting Started Guide.

STEP 2: Set a restriction other than Unlimited for Maximum public concurrent calls.

You can do that in the Users/Extension name → Roles and Phone numbers page.


Without this setting, you won't be able to enable Sip Trunking on the extension.

STEP 3: Select the PBX is connected to this extension checkbox to enable SIP Trunking.

You can do that in the Extensions/Extension name Provisioning and SIP page.

STEP 4: Set the extension to use IP based authentication.

From the same Extensions/Extension name Provisioning and SIP page, enable the following setting: Phone does not register, is located on IP [Lync edge server ip] port [5066] and [does not have to] authenticate.

STEP 5: Set SIP Signaling Transport to TCP.

STEP 6: Assign DID numbers to the extension.

If you haven't done it already, go to the the Channels/Public Phone Numbers page.

Microsoft Lync Setup Steps

Please note that the VoipNow server must be able to resolve Lync's edge server hostname.

The steps required for Microsoft Lync setup are the following:

STEP 1: Open the Lync Server Topology builder.

STEP 2: Add a new PSTN gateway.

  • Gateway FQDN or IP Address set to VoipNow server IP or hostname
  • Listening port for IP/PSTN gateway set to 5060
  • Sip Transport Protocol set to TCP

STEP 3: Publish Topology.

STEP 4: Open Lync Control Panel.

STEP 5: Edit Users and enable Enterprise Voice.

STEP 6: Define Line URI to the DID numbers assigned to the VoipNow extension that was set for Lync (format tel:[didnumber]).

STEP 7: Set up a dialplan to use VoipNow PSTN Gateway.

For more information on how to do this, please read the Lync manual.

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