The Linksys devices supported by VoipNow are: SPA-901, SPA-921, SPA-922, SPA-941, SPA-942, SPA-962, SPA2102, SPA8000, PAP-2T. The replaceable variables common to the configuration files of all the Linksys devices are: <!KAMAILIO_SERVER_IP!>: Replaced with the IP address of the Kamailio server handling the voicemail messages.<!KAMAILIO_SERVER_PORT!>: Replaced with the port of the Kamailio server handling the voicemail messages.<!UPDATE_INTERVAL!>: Replaced with the time interval after which the device is resynchronized with the provisioning server to search for available configuration file updates.<!PRO_URL!>: Replaced with the provisioning URL based on the provisioning protocol used by the device.<!EXTENSION_LENGTH!>: Variable used when defining phone dial plans to fill the proper number of x characters.<!TIMEZONE!>: Replaced with the time zone the device is in. Displayed as a GMT offset.
Linksys SPA-901 to 962 need the following supplementary variables: <!COMPANYNAME!>: Replaced with the Company name as defined in the extension's contact information. It is displayed on the top right corner of the screen.<!ENABLE_LINE_YESNO#<x>!>: Replaced if the line <x> should be enabled or disabled.