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This page contains instructions on how to add a new cost to the channel.

Table of Contents


  1. Select the Agree to replace ALL channel costs checkbox.
  2. Choose File to upload and use the Browse button to locate it. If the cost file you are trying to upload is not valid, VoipNow will display an error message informing you about the first line that contains errors.
  3. Set the Field separator. This is the character used to separate the values from the .csv file. This field is not required. If you leave the text box empty, VoipNow assumes that the field separator is ',' (comma).
  4. Click OK to save settings, upload the file, and replace the current channel costs.

This is an example of a valid cost file. Each line of the .csv file must be written in the following format:

<Area code>, <Cost>, <Charge interval>, <Description>, <Network>, <Setup cost>, <Maximum charge>

The following record is valid:

0033, 0.02, 60, Description, MobiCom, 8, 4999

This cost rule signifies that for calls prefixed with the 0033 code, the extension is charged 0.02 <currency> every 60 seconds, whereas the one time setup cost is 8 <currency> and the maximum amount allowed for this area code is 4,999 <currency>. The <currency> is the one defined in the Unified Communications Settings Zero Priority Charging Preferences page. This cost rule applies to the MobiCom network (the network code must be provided). The Description field can be used for associating a note to the cost rule.

Other examples of valid records:

043, 0.02, 60, Cheap land calls, LandTel, 0, 150
0040, 0.20, 30, Romania, RomTelCo, 0.99, 9999999


  • <cost>: The cost charged by the channel per <charging_interval> for all calls to the <area_code>.
  • <currency>: The system default currency set up in the Unified Communications Settings → Zero Priority Charging.
  • <charging_interval>: The time interval for which the <cost> will be charged. Default: 60 seconds.
  • <area_code>: The prefix of the destination phone number. This prefix indicates the Callee's geographical location. All outgoing calls routed through the channel to this area code will be charged with the specified amount.
  • <amount>: A setup cost that will be charged for all calls routed through this channel to the specified <area_code>. This amount will be added to the total cost of the call. The setup cost can be 0. See the Setup Cost example below to understand how this it works.
  • <max_amount>: The maximum amount that can be charged for a call, no matter its length. After reaching this sum, the call will not be disconnected. It will continue to be routed through this channel. The user will be charged just the maximum amount specified here. The maximum amount can be 0. In such conditions, the call will be practically free of charge, no matter its duration. If you do not fill in the <max_amount> boxfield, the normal cost applies to the entire length of the call. See the Maximum Amount example below to understand how this it works.
  • <network_code>: Specify the code required to identify the network the destination phone number belongs to. For more details about number portability, you may check the Add and Remove Outgoing Routing Rules Group section.
  • <text>: Associate a 128-character limited description to the area code cost.



A call to the area code is charged with 0.5 USD per 60 seconds and the <max_amount> is set to 5 USD. A user calls a number from this area code and speaks for 15 minutes.
The call is continued after the 10th minute, even if the <max_amount> has been reached.

Normally, this call would be charged with 15 * 0.5 USD = 7.5 USD, but because there is a <max_amount> defined, the user will pay only 5 USD.

If you do not fill in the <max_amount> box, the call will be charged with the defined cost for its entire length. For the example above, the call will be charged 7.5 USD.




Perform operations with channel costs

Manage channel groups

Manage outgoing routing

Manage public phone numbers



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