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This page contains instructions on how to manage sounds on a service provider account.

Table of Contents


To access to sound-related options that you can customize according to your preferences, click the Sounds icon in the Tools section. The Sound Management page allows you to:

  • visualize the service provider's sounds
  • add a new sound file to the system
  • manage sound folders and sound languages
  • search for specific sounds and organize sound files according to sound languages and folders
  • remove unused sound files

For more details, see the Manage Sounds section.

Add new sound


You cannot add a new sound unless at least one sound language is available!


For more information on how to add or manage a service provider's sounds, check the Operations with Sounds page.

Sound folder

In the Sound Folder Management page, you will be able to:


For more information on how to add and edit a service provider's sound folder, check the Manage Sound Folders section.

Sound language

A sound file can be recorded in several languages. This allows account owners to listen to a particular announcement in a language of their preference, if available in the system.


To define a new sound language for the current account, use the controls available in the Add New Sound Language page. For more information on how to add a new language to a service provider's account, check the Manage Sound Languages section.

To change the service provider's language, click the language in the Sound Languages table. In the Change Language page, use the drop-down list to replace the language currently in use with one of your choice.




Operations with sounds

Add sound

Manage sound folders

Manage sound languages



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