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Social media integration

With an average of estimated 15 minutes spent on YouTube daily and a dazzling 55 minutes spent and more than an hour on Facebook , you can only imagine that this would probably affect your employees’ effective working time as well as your own. By every day, your employees are not exactly maximizing the time they have on their hands. But by integrating social media into Unified Communications, not only can you even out the numbers, but you can make a profit out of profit from it . Users have the facility to manipulate all social websites from one place, too. Users can handle social sites from the same place from which they manipulate all their other means of online communication . This way, they get consistency and ease of access to their online information. People often realize that they “have a problem” while acknowledging how much time they spend keeping their social networks updated. What few of them realize is that much of that time is spent switching from website to website, from an interface to another or from various web appschannels. Consistency and rapid access to online information is crucial for any business.


How you will save moneyBluntly put, this is how UC saves you tons of cash:

  • Travelling costs – no more foreign calling cards, no more long distance calling fees
  • Telephone bills – your bill will be considerably lower with internet telephony
  • Hardware resources – you already own most of the required hardware
  • Human resources – your current staff can administrate the network; if your data is in the cloud, you don’t need to worry about anything
  • Work efficiency – your staff communicates better and , thus, therefore works better
  • One purchase -  you only need one client application for all means of communication means


A hospital trust has nothing but advantages with automation
John Thornbury, director of ICT for Worcestershire Acute Hospitals trust, says the local NHS is saving £300,000 annually through replacing an outdated telephone service with a unified communications system from the same supplier. It also allows the staff to use videoconferencing, reducing travel time and carbon emissions. The chief operating officer now uses this for meetings with his staff, as well as getting automated alerts if someone has waited for more than three hours in accident and emergency.


In order to gain new clients and increase ARPU, all you need to do is evaluate your current infrastructure and alternatives to see ways how to improve services and reduce costs. Most service or hosting providers already have a reliable infrastructure that can be used for offering Unified Communications with no extra hardware purchases.


Regarding software, in addition to an IP PBX - which acts very similar similarly to a physical PBX but has enhanced features , - you will need softphones on each computer in the network in order to be able to make and receive calls. These are available for online purchase and a few are actually freefree of charge or paid, depending on the set of features they offer. For a more familiar experience, you can buy IP phones or VoIP adapters for regular phones.

Once you have all thesethis, you’ll be able all set, ready to make calls within your network. To get in touch with the outside world, you will need 'll require one or more SIP trunks. SIP stands for Session Instantiation Protocol and is the most common protocol for VoIP on the internet today. SIP trunking providers operate an infrastructure that can route and connect the calls originating from your system to phone numbers on other infrastructures (IP networks or PSTN). Your local telephone company provides one or more trunk lines to the customer for connection to the customer's PBX and allocates a range of telephone numbers to this line (or group of lines) and forwards all calls to such numbers via the trunk.


The user-friendly interface is highly intuitive and 4PSA offers tutorials and support for any problems encountered. No extra staff members need to be hired is required since the system can easily be administrated by your current network administrators.


Human efforts are also considerably lowered with VoipNow since billing is also automated. You don't have to export call records and then process them manually or with another software product. VoipNow’s charging plans automate this operation for you and its call history based reporting is always exact accurate.


Radian Group has a customer support team that can breathe easyeasily
Radian Group is a global provider of investment infrastructure. They implemented a UC solution and nowAfter hopping on the UC bandwagon, their CIO states thatsaid the following: “We didn't have one call to our Call Center. Now we have much less management complexity with the one converged network and this will allow us to get the next stage of capability to support our business growth." (Source)

Go for it

The 4PSA's flagship UC solution is VoipNow® PlatformVoipNow, a suite of software applications  tools designed to accelerate Unified Communications adoption by businesses and end-users. The products are built around cloud computing and provide unrivaled performance with the most comprehensive features, massive scalability, and the ultimate in automation

VoipNow includes an IP PBX and various management systems that make it a completely complete Unified Communications solution.  A product of this kind does not generally have These products generally lack a graphical user interface and . Worse still, editing must be made done manually directly on specific files and through command lines. With VoipNow, software VoipNow eliminates all that hassle because the installation and administration are performed remotely on via a browser interface.

With the Green Commitment program, the company optimizes the use of power resources and helps organizations reduce carbon emissions. For more info, please visit