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This page describes the Call Distribution Based on Extension Type report,which offers an overview of the calls made and received by all the extensions in the system, sorted by their type. 

Table of Contents

CDBET graph

The chart uses colored lines to help you visualize the trend of the calls made and received by each of the available extension types during the specified time interval. The number of calls is displayed on the vertical axis, while the time interval is shown on the horizontal axis. This representation is useful because it provides a general image on the daily/monthly calls made and received by all the extensions in the system, according to their type.

One can use the available data to determine the extension types that are most frequently used.

Screenshot: The daily call distribution based on extension type for a 8 days interval



If you have selected only one extension type, the chart will contain one colored line, showing the evolution of that particular criteria throughout the entire time interval.


CDBET table

The table is dynamically generated, depending on your search criteria. All extension types may be displayed as shown below:

  • Day/Month: The day(s) or the month(s) the call distribution is displayed for.
  • Phone terminal: The number of calls made and received by all the Phone terminal extensions in the system.
  • Queue: The number of calls made and received by all the Queue extensions in the system.
  • IVR: The number of calls made and received by all the IVR extensions in the system.
  • Voicemail center: The number of calls made and received by all the Voicemail center extensions in the system.
  • Conference: The number of calls made and received by all the Conference extensions in the system.
  • Callback: The number of calls made and received by all the Callback extensions in the system.
  • Calling card: The number of calls made and received by all the Calling card extensions in the system.
  • Intercom/Paging: The number of calls made and received by all the Intercom/paging extensions in the system.
  • Queue login center: The number of calls made and received by all the Queue login center extensions in the system.
  • Total calls: The total number of calls made and received by all the extensions in the system in a day/month.
  • Duration: The total length of all the calls made and received by all the extensions in the system in a day/month.

Screenshot: The table for the 8 days interval

No matter the extension type, the table has three columns:

  • Day/Month: The day(s) or the month(s) the call distribution is displayed for. If you have chosen a time interval shorter or equal to a month, this column will display the Days. Otherwise, the Months will be shown.
  • Calls: The number of calls made and received in a day/month by all the extensions in the system that fall under the specified type.
  • Duration: The total length, in seconds, of all the calls made and received in a day/month by all the extensions in the system that fall under the specified type.

Search for statistics

If you want to view the Calls Distribution Based on Extension Type statistics for a specific period of time or for a certain extension type, you can use the available search controls to define your preferences:


Show calls distribution between <start_date_time> and <end_date_time> based on extension <extension_type>


  • <start_date_time>: Specify when the time interval for the current statistics starts. Mandatory format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. Default value: the first day of the current month.
  • <end_date_time>: Specify when the time interval for the current statistics ends. Mandatory format:  yyyy-mm-dd hh:mmDefault value: the current date and time.
  • <extension_type>: Choose the extension types for the statistics:
    • All - Displays the calls made and received by all the extensions in the system, no matter their type, during the specified time interval.
    • <extension_type> - Displays the calls made and received by all the <extension_type> extensions in the system during the specified time interval.

After deciding on the filters, click the Search link. The graphic and the table will be updated.


If no calls were placed during the selected time interval, the graphic and the table will not be generated.

Export statistics

You can export the Call Distribution Based on Extension Type data to a .csv or a Microsoft Excel file.

  1. Click the Export icon in the upper right side of the screen.
  2. Choose the columns to be exported and the output file format. If you choose to export the data to a Microsoft Excel file, the output will be a table with all selected columns. On the other hand, if you choose to export the data to a .csv file, the output will be a list with the entire selected information in the following format:

    Code Block
    <day> <phone_terminal> <queue> <ivr> <voicemail_center> <conference> <callback> <calling_card> <intercom_paging> <queue_login_center> <total_calls> <duration>
  3. After defining all preferences, click the Save icon. You will be asked to confirm if you want to save the file to your computer or just open it. 

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