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Versions Compared


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Applies to VoipNow 3.x.x!

Every time a new version is released, all VoipNow servers will display a warning about it. In this case, it's useful to know what version you have installed on your server. This article will tell you how to find this out. 

titleWarning example

You are not running the latest version of VoipNow. We strongly recommend you to update.
More details about the new version, including upgrade advices and Release Notes can be found on 4PSA Wiki. Want to receive instant notifications on VoipNow updates? Follow the VoipNowUpdates account on Twitter.

Step-by-step guide

There are three convenient ways you can use to determine what VoipNow version runs on your server.

  1. In the VoipNow web management interface, go to the main menu on the left, select Cloud Management, then click on the View Info link under Node Listing. This will open a pop-up will with node details. In the Quick Info column, there is a VoipNow Version row listing the VoipNow version that you are currently using.
  2. In the VoipNow web management interface, go to the main menu on the left, select Unified Communications >> Web Interface. In the Default Interface Preferences section, enable the Show build number in application title option, then click OK. This option comes disabled by default. Once you enable it, the current VoipNow version will be displayed on mouse over in the title bar of the web interface.
  3. Query the package database and check the details of the voipnow-core package. For that you need to have physical access or SSH remote access to your server. Use the command below and the current version will be reported after the package name, in our case VoipNow 3.8.0. This method applies to older VoipNow versions as well (e.g. VoipNow Professional).


    #> rpm -qa | grep voipnow-core



Content by Label
cqllabel in ("server","release","upgrade") and space = currentSpace()
labelsvoipnow version release

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