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Localtab Group

Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.

Select a shard. For the moment, you can only select: Main.


Select the SQL node type:

  • Master
  • Slave

Default: slave

Listen to Network

Bind IP : PortSpecify IP and port where the role binds to.
Default IP: the first private IP address on the node, if does not exist the first public IP.
Default port: 3306.
Internal Connectivity
Connection IP : Port

Specify IP and port (no hostname). This is relevant for connection between roles only.
Default IP: the private IP of the node, otherwise the public IP.
Default port: 3306.

titleDistributed Database

Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.

Select a shard. For the moment, you can only select: Main.

Availability Group IDSpecify the group's name. Must be alphanumeric and have fixed length of 8 characters.
Listen to Network
Bind IP : PortSpecify the IP and port where the role binds to.
Default IP: the first private IP address on the node, if does not exist the first public IP.
Default port: 11211.
Internal Connectivity
Connection IP : PortSpecify IP and port (no hostname). This is relevant for connection between roles only.
Default IP: the private IP of the node, otherwise the public IP.
Default port: 11211.

Please note that the Distributed Database role cannot be assigned if there are more than 3 extensions on the server.


Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.

Listen to Network

Bind IP : Port

Specify the IP and port where the role binds to.
Default IP: the first public IP address on the node.
Default port: 5222.

Customer Connectivity
Public Connection IP/Hostname : PortSpecify IP and port. This is relevant for customer connection to the node.
Default IP: the hostname of the node.
Default port: 5222.

Customer Connectivity is global for all nodes on the Jabber role.


Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.
Listen to Network
Bind IP : PortSpecify the IP and port where the role binds to.
Default IP: the first private IP address on the node, if does not exist the first public IP.
Default port: 5672.
Internal Connectivity
Connection IP : PortSpecify IP and port (no hostname). This is relevant for connection between roles only.
Default for IP: the private IP of the node, otherwise the public IP.
Default for port: 5672.
titleManagement Interface

Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.
Listen to Network
Bind IPSpecify the IP where the role binds to.
Default: the first public IP address on the node.
HTTP port

The HTTP port.
Default 80, cannot be changed.

HTTPs port

The HTTPs port.
Default 443, cannot be hanged.

Internal Connectivity
Connection IP : PortSpecify IP and port (no hostname). This is relevant for connection between roles only.
Default for IP: the private IP of the node, otherwise the public IP.
Default for port: 443

Customer Connectivity

Public Connection IP/Hostname : PortSpecify IP and port. This is relevant for customer connection to the node.
Default the hostname of the node.
HTTP port

The HTTP port.
Default: 80, can be changed.

HTTPs port

The HTTPs port.
Default: 443, can be changed.

Customer Connectivity is global for all nodes on the HTTP role.


Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.
Listen to Network
Bind IPSpecify the IP where the role binds to.
Default for IP: the first public IP address on the node.
UDP PortSpecify UDP port.
Default 5060.
TCP PortSpecify TCP port.
Default 5060.
TLS PortSpecify TLS port.
Default 5061.
Internal Connectivity
Connection IP/HostnameSpecify IP/Hostname. This is relevant for connection between roles only (especially important when it comes to the connection with the PBX role).
Default: the hostname of the node.
Customer Connectivity
Public Connection IP/HostnameSpecify IP/Hostname. This is relevant for customer connection to the node.
Default: the hostname of the node.
Private Connection IP/HostnameSpecify the connection IP or hostname.
This field is available only if the Allow private connectivity for VoIP from/to option is selected from the Set Up Infrastructure Properties.
Direct Connection on Network Specify the connection IP.
This field is available only if the Allow direct routing of VoIP to/from option is selected from the Set Up Infrastructure Properties.

The Customer Connectivity you set up here, applies only to the SIP role node that you are currently customizing.

Please note that for the Internal Connectivity and Customer Connectivity services, the UDP, TCP and TLS ports set up in the Listen to Network fieldset are used.


Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.
MWI publishing port rangeSpecify the MWI publishing port range.
Value range between 4000 and 4500.
Default: 4400, 4420

Specify capacity
Value range between 1 and 8092.
Default: 1000

Listen to Network

Bind IPSpecify the IP where the role binds to.
Default: the first public IP address on the node.
UDP PortSpecify UDP port.
Default UDP port: 5060

Internal Connectivity

Connection IP/HostnameSpecify the connection IP or hostname. This is relevant for connection between roles only.
Default IP: the public IP of the node.
UDP Port
Specify the UDP port.
Default port: 5060.
Customer Connectivity
Public Connection IP/Hostname

Specify the connection IP or hostname. This field depends on the infrastructure type you have chosen.
Default: the logic IP address setup previously.

Private Connection IP/HostnameSpecify the connection IP or hostname.
This field is available only if the Allow private connectivity for VoIP from/to option is selected from the Set Up Infrastructure Properties.
Direct Connection on NetworkSpecify the connection IP.
This field is available only if the Allow direct routing of VoIP to/from option is selected from the Set Up Infrastructure Properties.
titleInfrastructure Controller

Role Properties

RoleSelect between eligible roles. On edit, this field is read-only.
Listen to Network
Bind IP

Specify the IP where the role binds to.
Default: the first public IP address on the node.

HTTPS PortSpecify the HTTPS port.
Default: 443.
Internal Connectivity
Connection IP/HostnameSpecify the connection IP or hostname. This is relevant for connection between roles only.
Default: the hostname of the node.
HTTPS PortSpecify the HTTPS port.
Default port: 443.
Customer Connectivity
Connection IP/HostnameSpecify the connection IP or hostname. This is relevant for customer connection to the node.
Default IP/Hostname: the hostname of the node.
Specify the HTTPS port.
Default port: 443.

Customer connectivity is local for the particular Infrastructure Controller role node.


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