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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Applies to VoipNow 3 and higher!


The CallNow Feature was removed in VoipNow 5.5.0.

This article describes how to hide the country code element from the interface with a simple edit in the interface template. 

Step-by-step guide

By default, the CallNow page looks as shown below. 

To hide the country code element (drop-box and field) from the CallNow template, take the following steps: 

STEP 1: Connect to your VoipNow  server as root using a SSH client (e.g. Putty).

STEP 2: Go to the <VOIPNOW_ROOT_D>/admin/htdocs/templates/callnow/ folder.

<VOIPNOW_ROOT_D> is a variable defined in the /etc/voipnow/paths.conf file. When running commands, you must have it replaced with its value (e.g. /usr/local/voipnow).

STEP 3: Display the index.tpl file's content by running:

Code Block
cat index.tpl

Inside index.tpl search for:

Code Block
<tr id="tr-phone">
	<td class="row_td" align="left">{$prefix_num}<span class="required">*</span></td>
    <td align="right" class="td_call_code">
        {html_options options=$calling_codes name="call_code" id="call_code" class="large_select" selected=$selected_code}

STEP 4: To change the layout of the page, edit the <VOIPNOW_ROOT_D>/admin/htdocs/templates/callnow/index.tpl file. Open the file using your favorite text editor, and you'll find the country code drop-down list defined by the following line:

Code Block
{html_options options=$calling_codes name="call_code" id="call_code" class="large_select" selected=$selected_code}

To remove the country code drop-down list and the entire field, comment its corresponding lines. To comment a line, you must replace { with {* and } with *}. To remove the entire field, add <!-- before the <tr  tag and --> after </tr>

In the end, the entire block should look as displayed below: 

Code Block
<!-- <tr id="tr-phone">
	<td class="row_td" align="left">{$prefix_num}<span class="required">*</span></td>
    <td align="right" class="td_call_code">
        {*html_options options=$calling_codes name="call_code" id="call_code" class="large_select" selected=$selected_code*}
</tr> -->

In the end, save the file, remove the cached files and restart the web interface service:


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