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  1. Go to Unified Communications in the left menu and click Request Log under the Monitoring area. The Request Log page will open.
  2. Press the Define Log button. From the Log settings dialogue window that opens, select the requests you want to monitor.
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  3. Press Save when you're done. A confirmation message on your settings will be displayed at the top of the interface. 

  4. Now you can move on to the Log of user requests area. All operations will be displayed in a table that you can search through using the filters at the top. Read below for more explanations.

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    • You may set a time interval. To specify the start and end date of the logged operations, press the calendar icon next to the Requests logged between .... and... field and select the dates. 
    • You may also filter operations by method, in case you don't need to see them all. From the using method drop-down list, select your log to display only operations using the GET or the POST method. If you want the log to display all operations, regardless of their method, leave the default ANY as is. 
    • The log can also display operations based on specific keywords like "login" or "account", for example. Just type the keyword in the including search field.


To view them, click on the operation you're interested in, i.e. the entry in the Interface Area  column, and a pop-up similar to the one below will be displayed.

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The operation is detailed in terms of context (i.e. the interface flow), method (create, read, edit or delete) and user input (i.e. save, edit, search, login, etc).


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