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  • Company name: This is the administrator's company name;
  • Contact Name: This is used by the DNS Manager to identify the administrator;
  • Login: This is the username that the administrator must provide in order to log in the DNS Manager interface;


    The Login name must be unique in the system.

    The username must contain only the following character types:
    ◦ Any of the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet <a-z>, also included in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). The scripts of non-Latin languages (such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Korean or Japanese) are illegible.
    ◦ Any combination of the 10 decimals <0-9>, also included in the ASCII.
    ◦ Special characters like: _.-@.

  • Password: This is the password that the administrator must provide in order to log in the DNS Manager interface; 

    titlePassword Strength

    You are not allowed to fill in dictionary words or passwords containing only digits or sequences of more than three identical characters. Password strength ask for a minimum six characters long password. The password must contain only the following character types:

    ◦ Any of the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet <a-z>, also included in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). The scripts of non-Latin languages (such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Korean or Japanese) are illegible.
    ◦ Any combination of the 10 decimals <0-9>, also included in the ASCII.
    ◦ Special characters like: !?@#$%\/*()_+={}`~[];:,.|^&.

  • Confirm Password: This is required to make sure the correct password is entered;
  • Phone: This is the administrator's phone number;
  • Fax: This is the administrator's fax number;
  • Email: This is the administrator's email address, which is used as the default bounce address for the administrator's domains;


    We support IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) email addresses.

  • Address: This is the administrator's postal address;
  • City: This is the administrator's city;
  • Postal/ZIP code: This is the administrator's ZIP or postal code;
  • State/ProvinceThis is the administrator's state;
  • Country: This is the administrator's country;
  • Time Zone: This is the administrator's time zone;
  • Language: The language of the administrator's interface;
  • Administrator Notes: Notes can be added here.


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