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  1. You can set the notification preferences for  various events, which are displayed in the first column.


    To select all the checkboxes in a column, click the column's header. For example, if you want to select all the checkboxes in the Admin column, click the Admin header.

  2. You can enable email notifications for your own account, but also for your clients. Whenever an account is created, the new owner can receive an email notifying that the account was registered. The email notification will be sent to the email address specified in the account information.
  3. You can also have notifications sent to an email address specified in the E-mail address column. This email address can be different for each selected event.
  4. You can select the events that trigger an email notification. You'll find them in the Email preferences section:
    • Client account creation
    • Client account expiration warning – the email notification triggered by this event is sent {x} days in advance as specified in the Send expiration notices field.
    • Client account expired
    • Remote update locations limit reached
    • Remote update failure
    • DNS Zones limit reached
    • Forgot password – for this event, DNS Manager will send an email message with a temporary password link for the user who forgot his/her password and requested a new one. This reset password link is valid only for the amount of time specified in the Expiration time for new password field specified in the Login Preferences page.
    • Reset password – after user follow the steps required by Forgot Password procedure, DNS Manager will send an email message with information about the IP from where the forgot password process was executed.  
  5. In the Preferences section, you can specify the conditions under which the warning emails will be sent. In the Send expiration notices {X} days in advance text box, enter how many days before the account expiration a notification is dispatched to the users.


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