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The DNS Manager Translator's Guide gives a full insight into the way one can manage the DNS Manager language packs. It describes the language files structure and at the same time provides instructions on how to create a language pack in the chosen language and on how to update the existing packs.

Who Should Read This Guide

The reference guide is intended to help anyone interested in translating 4PSA DNS Manager. You do not have to read the entire document to perform a proper translation. Nonetheless, this guide provides solutions to any problems you might experience during the process.

Required Knowledge and Skills

In order to be able to work in this environment, developers must have:

  • a good understanding of the DNS Manager functionality and terminology;
  • basic scripting knowledge;
  • good translation skills and awareness of the chosen language(s).

All 4PSA DNS Manager translations must be verified and centralized by 4PSA. Please make sure you send us an email with your work.

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