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The round robin is a load balancing technique in which balance power is placed in the DNS server instead of a strictly dedicated machine as other load techniques do. Round robin works on a rotating basis in that one server IP address is handed out, then moves to the back of the list; the next server IP address is handed out, and then it moves to the end of the list; and so on, depending on the number of servers being used. This works in a looping fashion.

The Round Robin Polls for DNS {zone_name} management page allows you to:

  • Visualize the Current Polls.
  • Define a New Round Robin Poll by clicking the  Add new poll icon.
  • Search for certain polls.
  • Edit one of the existing round robin polls.
  • Remove unused polls.

displays the following information about the available polls:

  • S – The round robin poll's status (enabled or disabled). Click the icon to modify the poll's status.
  • Name - The round robin poll's name. Click the link to edit the poll.
  • Monitored records - The number of monitored records.
  • Active records - The number of active records out of the total monitored records.
  • Last update - The date and time the poll was last updated.

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
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