This page contains instructions on how to install or upgrade VoipNow in the operating system command line.

If something is unclear or you need further assistance, do not hesitate to open a ticket in the 4PSA Support Zone or ask a question in our community.


OS Recommendation

For all new installations, we strongly recommend the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x or CentOS 8.x running on 64 bit. Before proceeding with the installation of VoipNow on a new server:

Download and run the installer

To install VoipNow:

  1. Log in to your server as root using SSH from any client operating system.
  2. Download the installer script on your server by executing the command below.

    curl "" -o -L
  3. Run the installer script by executing the following command.


Wait patiently as the installer downloads all the packages from the repository, installs them, and configures the system.


VoipNow 5.x upgrade notes

If you're upgrading to VoipNow 5.x from VoipNow 4.1.3 or a previous version, please run the database upgrader as specified in the Release Notes.

Before you start

Make sure that you understand the implications of the upgrade.

Download and run the installer

To upgrade VoipNow:

  1. Log in to your server as root using SSH from any client operating system.
  2. Download the latest installer script on your server by executing the command below.

    curl "" -o -L
  3. Run the installer script by executing the following command.
