A common fraud scenario implies that a large number of calls to expensive destinations have been placed using your VoipNow system within a short amount of time. This can be done either by the legitimate user of a SIP extension or by a cracker who registers their own device to the extension.

Step-by-step guide

There are several protective measures that you can take to prevent attempts of fraud:

Update your system regularly

Ensure that VoipNow and the operating system are up-to-date.

Use credit limits

To prevent accounts from exceeding a certain amount of credit, you need to set specific credit limits in your charging plan. This should be done even if you're not a service provider and you're not using Billing to charge your clients.

You need to always use money limits on extensions. When the fraud is attempted by the extension owner, it may be one of the few measures that can prevent it. Also, it's important that you do not rely on concurrent call limits to protect your system.

Create strong SIP passwords

It's better to let the system automatically generate passwords.

Restrict access

Restrict traffic

Restrict calls

Keep an eye on your extensions

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