This page describes how to edit email notifications and lists the tags required for the customization of security email templates.


To access the Email Templates Management page, access the Unified Communications option in the side menu and click on the Email Templates icon under the System Templates area.

VoipNow can send these notifications to the system administrator(s), the service providers and/or to a custom email address.

Edit Template

To customize the subject or the content of an email notification:

  1. Click the  icon corresponding to the chosen event.
  2. In the Edit Email Template, enter the email subject and body keeping in mind that:
  3.  Click OK to save the changes to the email template. To return to the previous page without saving the changes, click Cancel.

Types of Email Templates

For this event, VoipNow will send an email message to the user who has forgotten his password with a link where he can change it. Strong passwords include numbers, letters, and punctuation marks.

The email template uses the following default tags:

[recipient_name]The name of the person who receives the email.
[login]The username used to connect to the VoipNow interface, as it was specified in the provided service provider/organization/user information.
[valid_minutes]The new password can only be set within the time interval specified here. At the end of the time interval, the given URL becomes invalid.
[url]The URL where the user can change his password.
[ip]The IP address of the user who has requested the new password.

Once the user has changed his password, he will receive another email confirming his change.

The email template uses the following default tags:

[recipient_name]The name of the person who receives the email.
[login]The username used to connect to the VoipNow interface, as it was specified in the provided service provider/organization/user information.
[ip]The IP address of the user who has requested the new password.

It uses the following default tags:

[plugin_name]The name of the plug-in that has triggered the error.
[plugin_version]The version of the plug-in that has triggered the error.
[recipient_name]The name of the person who receives the email.
[datetime]The date and the time the plug-in error occurred.
[plugin_err_backtrace]The plug-in error PHP back trace.

This line is available in the Administrator context only.

Restore Default Settings

To restore the default notification settings and email contents, click the Default icon.

VoipNow will not overwrite the other email address destination.

Customize notification settings

Set Unified Communications email templates

Set service provider email templates

Set organization email templates

Set user email templates
