This page describes the Longest Time to Complete report, which displays information about the top ten calls with the longest ringing time and the average completion time per channel.

Longest time to complete time

These statistics offer an overview of the calls with the longest ringing time. Their purpose is to identify the longest periods between the moment the call started ringing and the moment it was actually answered by the called party. Both incoming and the outgoing calls are counted.

Screenshot: The top 10 calls with the longest completion time

The chart uses colored bars to represent the top 10 calls with the longest ringing times. The ringing duration, in seconds, is displayed on the vertical axis.

The graphic is drawn even if the total number of calls is smaller than 10. The graphic and the figures may be different for each channel!

The table displays the following information about the top calls:

Screenshot: The top 10 calls with the longest completion time

Average completion time per channel

These statistics offer an overview of the average ringing time per channel. Their purpose is to identify the channels with the longest periods between the moment the call started ringing and the moment it was actually answered by the called party.

The chart uses colored bars to represent the average ringing time for all the channels in the system. The ringing duration, in seconds, is displayed on the vertical axis.

Screenshot: The average completion time per channel

The table displays the following information:

Screenshot: The average completion time per channel

Search for Statistics

If you want to view the Longest Time to Complete and the Average Completion Time per Channel statistics for a specific period of time or for a certain channel, you can use the available search controls to define your preferences:

Show call initiation time statistics between <start_date_time> and <end_date_time> for channel <channel_name>


After deciding on the filters, click the Search link. The graphic and the table will be updated.

If no calls were placed during the selected time interval, the graphic and the table will not be generated!

Export Statistics

You can export the Longest Time to Complete and the Average Completion Time per Channel data to a .csv or a Microsoft Excel file.

  1. Click the Export icon in the upper right side of the screen.
  2. Choose the columns to be exported and the output file format. If you choose to export the data to a Microsoft Excel file, the output will be a table with all selected columns. On the other hand, if you choose to export the data to a .csv file, the output will be a list with the entire selected information. You can select to export either the list of calls with the longest time to complete, or the list of channels with the longest time to complete. The exportable columns may vary according to your option.

  3. After deciding on these filters, click the Save icon. You will be asked to confirm if you want to save the file to your computer or just open it.

Average Success Rate

Average Call Duration

Call Failures

Call Distribution Based on Destination

Call Distribution Based on Extension Type

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