This page contains instructions on how to deploy the order places on the online store.


The order deployment is the last step of the order placed by a customer on the online store. After the payment has been received, the ordered items can be deployed on the provisioning facility. An item purchased from the online store becomes a service after its deployment. These items can be scheduled for deployment either automatically, if the Deploy orders automatically option has been previously enabled from the SetupBehaviourOrders & Invoices tab, either manually, by the system administrator if and only if all the due invoices have been paid.

No deployment operation can be performed on a VoipNow server that it is not an Automation agent. This means that if the VoipNow license does not offer Automation support, then it cannot be enrolled as a deployment server.

If at least one of the enrolled VoipNow agents has Automation enabled in his license, then you can add unlimited customer accounts.

The Orders Deployment Management page allows you to:

The Deployed Services list displays only the standalone, master services ordered by date, having the last instance deployed first. The slave and add-on deployments can be viewed in the expanded details for the master deployment.

Deployed services table

VoipNow Automation displays the following information about each deployed service:

Table Column



The deployment identifier. The deployment status can be:

- Active
- Pending
- Suspended
- Terminated
- Canceled

Click the icon or the ID link of an active service to view its deployment log. On click, a pop-up panel is displayed. Please see the Service Deployment Log section below for more information.


The marker for deployment folded/collapsed details. Deployment details display all slave and add-on deployments attached to the current standalone master deployment. The marker is displayed using one of the following icons:

- Folded deployment details
- Collapsed deployment details
- No deployment details

On collapse, the following information is displayed on each slave/add-on deployment:

  • T: The deployment type: Slave Add-on
  • ID: The deployment identifier.
  • Service: The service's SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).
  • Order No: The order number. Click the link to view the order overview.
  • Deployed: The date when the service was deployed. If it was not deployed yet, then '-' is displayed.
  • Status: The service's status.
  • Operation: Click the Choose link to display a pop-up panel with the available operations on the service. Depending on the service's current status, the content of the panel varies.

The service's SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). For active standalone master deployments, if there are any add-on store items defined in the system, a shortcut link (Add add-on) to the order page is displayed.


The hostname of the server the service was deployed on. This column displays a '-' if the deployment hasn't been done yet. Between parentheses, the server's utilization is shown (e.g. (3.22%)).

Customer Account

The name of the customer account who placed the order on the online store or on behalf which the system administrator manually placed an order from the interface.
Click the chosen customer account name if you want to view/edit his information. For more details, check the Edit a Customer Account section.

Order No

The order number.
Click the chosen order number if you want to view/edit its details. For more information about this, check the Manage Orders section.


The date when the service was deployed. If it was not deployed yet, then '-' is displayed.


The service's status. The possible values are:

  • Active: Displayed if the service is active on the provisioning server.
  • Pending: Displayed if the service has been ordered, but it has not been deployed yet on a server.
  • Suspended: Displayed if the service was suspended on the provisioning server.
  • Terminated: Displayed if the service was deleted from the provisioning server.
  • Canceled: Displayed if the service was not yet deployed on a provisioning server. The deployment will not take place until the status is changed to Pending and the service is Activated.

There are also transitional statuses displayed as follows:

Status_crt (Operation in progress)


  • Status_crt represents the current status.
  • (Operation in progress) is the transition to a new status.

For example, Pending (Activation in progress) is displayed when a service had been scheduled for activation and it is in the processing queue. This is a transition between the initial status and the final one, that is Active.

The deployment process may fail. Each failed attempt is recorded into the database. The Pending (Activation in progress) attempts: <number> failed transitional status is displayed when the activation process has failed several times and the service is not in the processing queue anymore. If you click the <number> link, then the service is going to be rescheduled for deployment and it will be placed again in the processing queue.


Click the Choose link to display a pop-up panel with the available operations on the service. Depending on the service's current status, the content of the panel varies. Please see the Manage Deployed Services section below for more information.

Service deployment log

The Service Deployment Log pop-up panel is displayed when clicking the deployment identifier in the Deployed Services Table and it provides the following information:

Some of these fields might be missing or empty in the case of slave or add-on deployments.

Here is an example:

Screenshot: Account deployment log pop-up panel

If there was no deployment attempted for the service, the pop-up window will only display the following information:

  • Deployment
  • Last invoice
  • Next invoice


Clicking the Choose link in the Operations column of the Deployed Services table will open the Operations pop-up window. The following operations are allowed for a service:




This operation schedules for creation the service on the provisioning server. If the service existed on the server and had been previously suspended, the Reactivation operation schedules it for activation again. This operation is available only if the service's status is either Pending or Suspended. For standalone master deployments, you have the possibility to schedule for activation slave and add-on deployments along with the master deployment.

A service cannot be activated if:

  • The customer account's owner that placed the order is suspended.
  • The order to which the deployment belongs is not in NEW or FULFILLED status.
  • For slave or add-on deployments, the standalone master deployment has to be deployed, active and not scheduled for termination.
  • The invoice issued for the order is not paid.
  • If the payment was made by check or by wire transfer, then the invoice must be manually captured from the Invoices section.

This operation schedules for suspension the service located on the provisioning server. For master deployments, this operation is available only if the service is in the Active status. For add-on deployments, this operation is available only if the respective add-on type supports suspension.


This operation schedules for termination the service located on the provisioning server.

(warning) This operation schedules for removal the service and cannot be reversed!

For master and slave deployment, this operation is available only if the service is in the Active or Suspended statuses.

For add-on deployments, this operation is available only if the service is in the Active or Suspended statuses and the respective add-on type supports termination!

CancelThis operation cancels the creation of the service on the provisioning server. This operation is available only if the service is in the Pending status.
Cancel <operation>

This operation cancels the previously scheduled operations that is in progress at that moment. This operation is available only if the service is in one of the following transitional statuses:

  • Activation in progress
  • Termination in progress

For master deployments, you also have the possibility to cancel slave and add-on deployments along with the master deployment.

PendingThis operation sets the status of a service from Canceled to Pending. This allows the service activation if the Activate operation is performed afterwards. This operation is available only if the service is in the Canceled status.

If you choose any of the available operations, you will be able to provide a reason for your action. In the Operations pop-up window, three fields are displayed:

Even if you have not used any of the two fields previously mentioned, you have to click the Save icon in order to confirm the selected operation.

If you chose the Terminate operation, you will be required to select the Confirm account termination checkbox in order to finalize the process. Be aware that this operation is going to schedule for removal the service and it can not be reversed.

Searching the Deployed Services List

When you are searching for specific master standalone deployed services, you can use one or more of the available filters:

Search deployed service <filter> with status <status> for customer account <customer_account> deployed on facility <hostname> between <start_date> and <end_date>


If there are no facilities in the list, you can add one from the Setup Provisioning <cloud_name> → Provisioning Facilities Management page by clicking the Add facility icon.


Scheduled Tasks
