About Scheduled Tasks

VoipNow Automation has a number of predefined scheduled tasks, designed to automatically perform a series of actions and thus the deployment process to function correctly. These tasks are set to run after a default schedule that can be easily customized by a system administrator. When a scheduled deployment task is completed, a report email notification is sent to the administrator and/or the customer, depending on their email notification preferences set up in the VoipNow Automation web management interface.

Before a scheduled task is executed, the system checks if another instance of that task is still running. If another instance is found, the task to be executed exits with an error message. For example, let us assume that the activate/suspend scheduled task runs every 20 minutes. The first activate/suspend task starts at 8:00 A.M. and finishes at 8:30 A.M. Normally, at 8:20 A.M. a new activate/suspend task should start but, because there is another instance of this task, it will not start and will return an error message. An hour after a scheduled task becomes unresponsive, it is ignored as a running task and the process starts again. If during a task execution a server becomes unresponsive, it is marked for soft delete and is ignored the next time the task starts.

This area describes the scheduled tasks available in Automation.

If you still have trouble in handling scheduled tasks, do not hesitate to ask for advice and follow VoipNow administrators in the GetSatisfaction community.

If you need more help, our expert engineers are waiting for you in the 4PSA Support Zone.