SystemAPI is a SOAP-based API that you can use to expand VoipNow's cloud computing services. The API ensures integration with provisioning and automation applications.

SystemAPI is a SOAP web service available in VoipNow that allows third-party software applications to manage accounts, configure extensions or charging plans, get usage information, manage call costs, and more.

Who Should Read This Guide

SystemAPI is designed to control the VoipNow accounts related features. If you want to manage the telephony feature, please check the UnifiedAPI. The UnifiedAPI web service allows you to manage and get information about phone calls in real-time, receive events from PBX, as well as many other useful features.

This reference guide was designed to help developers of third-party applications manage or interact with VoipNow via SystemAPI.

Required Knowledge and Skills

In order to be able to work in this environment, developers need to have:

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