This page describes the way VoipNow interacts with the payment plug-in.


The execution of a payment plug-in is initiated when a payment or a refund command is triggered inside the 4PSA VoipNow Automation interface. This will instantiate the payment plug-in class and execute one of the payment methods available in that class. Furthermore, the configuration operation is yet another type of interaction between VoipNow interface and the plug-in files. During the configuration process, the VoipNow interface access the setup and requirements XML files directly and displays the required information based on the formatted data from those files.

Interface Interactions Description

The interactions between 4PSA VoipNow Automation interface and the payment plug-ins are recognized at two levels:

VoipNow Payment Plug-in Setup Interface

The Plug-in Setup Interface will load the information from the setup.xml file and will generate a form containing the inputs needed to set up the plug-in's requirements in order to be able to connect to the gateway. Furthermore, the Plug-in Setup Interface will load the information from the requirements.xml file in order to be able to setup the 4PSA VoipNow Automation store interface inputs for each payment plug-in method.

VoipNow Payment Plug-in Usage

Once a client has made their first payment and the product has been deployed, the amount of money paid for it needs to be captured. This will be done from the VoipNow Automation Interface with the help of the available plug-in methods. In the Orders and the Invoices pages, the user can capture the payment, refund a part of the money, etc for each payment.

Automation Store Interactions Description

The execution of a payment plug-in is triggered when an user is trying to complete a payment operation:

Also, in order to be able to create a payment form for the user, the Automation store will load the xml requirements from the database (the content will be the same as the requirements.xml file or a modified version of this content).