This page contains instructions on how to enable other modules or web services with VoipNow.


To set and customize integration preferences, go to Unified Communications in the side menu and click on the Zero Priority icon, under the Settings area.

Open the Integration tab on the side menu and modify the settings related to the VoipNow Automation back-end as well as to the web services that can be used for informative purposes.

Customize integration settings

To customize integration settings, follow the steps below. Once you're done, click OK to save your preferences. To return to the previous page without committing any changes, click Cancel.

  1. Enable VoipNow Automation back-end. As a result, the VoipNow Automation panel will be integrated with the VoipNow interface.
  2. Set integration of Web Services. This option will allow 4PSA to track public information about the VoipNow web interface visitors via Google Analytics. Among gathered details: screen resolution, used browser, user location, etc. Such data enables us to improve our software products in order to deliver the best experience to end-users.
Google Analytics service does not collect any private information about the users!

Set General Preferences
