This article explains how to perform data migration between two DNSManager servers avoiding the XML export - import option from the web interface. The indications included here are recommended in case you want to move your installation onto a new server, or if your server suffered a failure and you want to import your data on a new server.

Step-by-step guide

To migrate DNS Manager between two servers, follow the steps below and keep in mind that this operation can only be done manually.

There are two ways you can perform a migration:

Back up the Database

  1. On the old server, run the /usr/local/dnsmanager/bin/dbdump script. This will perform a full database backup.
  2. Once it's complete, the file /var/lib/dnsmanager/dumps/dnsmanagerwmysql.daily.dump.0.gz should be copied to the new server in the /root directory.

The dbdump script uses the /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf file to read the location of the backups. By default DUMPS_D from local.conf is set to /var/lib/dnsmanager/dumps.
In case this was modified, please note that the database backup will no longer be carried out in /var/lib/dnsmanager/dumps/dnsmanagermysql.daily.dump.0.gz.

Get database login from old server

The database login username is taken from the /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf using the following command:

cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf | grep DB_USER | awk '{print $2}'
The output of that command will be called OLD_DB_USER.

Set up the new server

If you haven't already installed the latest version of DNSManager, do it now using the Command Line Installer.

Once installed, take the following steps:

  1. Obtain the value below. This value will be called NEW_DB_USER.

      cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf | grep DB_USER | awk '{print $2}'

  2. Unzip database backup from /root.

    gzip -d dnsmanagermysql.daily.dump.0.gz

  3. Change user in the dump.

    sed -i 's/OLD_DB_USER/NEW_DB_USER/g' dnsmanagermysql.daily.dump.0

    Replace OLD_DB_USER with DB_USER value from the old server and NEW_DB_USER with DB_USER value from the new server.

  4. Log in to MySQL using the following command:

    mysql -u`cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf |grep DB_USER | awk '{print $2}'` -p`cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf  | grep DB_PASSWD | awk '{print $2}'`

  5. Then execute this:

    DROP DATABASE dnsmanager;
    CREATE DATABASE dnsmanager;
  6. Load the old database.

    mysql --force -u`cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf |grep DB_USER | awk '{print $2}'` -p`cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf  | grep DB_PASSWD | awk '{print $2}'` --default-character-set=utf8  dnsmanager < dnsmanagermysql.daily.dump.0

  7. In case you migrate form an old version, you need to run mysql_upgrade utility.

    mysql_upgrade -u`cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf |grep DB_USER | awk '{print $2}'` -p`cat /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf | grep DB_PASSWD | awk '{print $2}'` --force

  8. Force install dnsmanager-core.

    yum -c /etc/dnsmanager-yum.conf reinstall dnsmanager-core

  9. Restore zone files from the database:

    /usr/local/dnsmanager/admin/sbin/zonemng -r

  10. Restart dnsmanager, named, zonemngd and updateurld and that should be it.

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