Hosted PBX along with collaboration and communication services are a relatively new topic in the Service Provider industry. The prospect for the end-users of these services are promising. The number of companies willing to adopt these solutions has increased in recent years. In fact, according to market analysts, hosted communication is currently the technology with the highest growth rate. What's more, this technology has changed the way companies communicate and interact with the partner ecosystem. Cost-effectiveness aside, hosted PBX services increase productivity substantially. All these benefits are immediate, require no investment in hardware, and can be deployed incredibly fast.

About Hosted PBX

In this framework, the service provider runs its IT infrastructure and gives the customer access to a service in the cloud. This service not only contains the functionality of a traditional PBX, but it also builds on top of it and expands it greatly. Companies with dated PBX systems can migrate to cloud PBX services with minimum costs compared to the investment required for upgrading the old PBX hardware. With the new hosted PBX model, end-users benefit from greater flexibility, a more efficient control over costs, and only pay for the resources they use. The service provider is in charge with the upgrade, the maintenance, and the security of the IT systems. As an added benefit, users no longer need to waste IT resources on maintenance.

Who is it for?

Hosted PBX is designed for dynamic small and medium businesses that want to cut down on costs and operate an efficient business phone system without having to invest any major financial resources in the purchase and operation of complex equipment. Hosted PBX is a solution that provides flexibility and ensures support for the mobile workforce, part-time or home employees. This is an easy to manage service that creates a framework with predictable costs and a return on investment from the very beginning.

Hosted PBX benefits


*Opex (operating expense/expenditure) = Ongoing cost for running a product, business, or system.

**Capex (capital expenditures) = Expenditure altering the future of the business. A capital expenditure is incurred when a business spends money either to buy fixed assets or to add to the value of an existing fixed asset with a useful life extending beyond the taxable year.

***TCO (total cost of ownership) = Financial estimate intended to help buyers and owners determine the direct and indirect costs of a product or a system.