DNS Manager is a server-level application that allows users to manage DNS Zones. With DNS Manager, you can create and manage DNS Zones and DNS Records, backup DNS Zones, manage DNS templates, gather DNS information from remote servers, etc.

Thanks to its advanced features, DNS Manager is the ideal tool for automatic DNS management. DNS Manager can load DNS Zone names from remote servers, regardless of the control panel or operating system that runs on these servers.

Where to useĀ  DNS Manager

Unlike other DNS management applications, it offers superior automation features and a friendly client level interface. Clients who use hosting services will find DNS Manager to be a very easy to use solution. Most DNS applications are frustrating; it is a known fact that even some administrators do not fully understand all DNS functions. With DNS Manager, these problems have become history.

Here are several utilization scenarios:

Centralize DNS information from multiple servers

You will be able to offer two name servers no matter how many hosting servers you have and what platform or control panel is used on these. The centralization process is automatic and you do not have to add DNS Zone information to the DNS Manager server. Interface scripts for most popular hosting panels like Plesk, Cpanel, Ensim, InterWorx Control Panel and Helm are included.

Offer DNS redundancy

DNS Manager can act as a secondary DNS server, gathering Zone names from all the participant servers and automatically updating DNS Zone information.

Offer DNS hosting

Hosting companies can use your services for DNS redundancy. Because no work is actually required to update the list of DNS Zones, DNS hosting becomes a very simple task. Clients will love the nice interface and the Zone validation.