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051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
053The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.
055This operation is disabled because the installation is violating a licensing limit. Disable SIP trunking support on some extensions, lower the "Maximum public concurrent calls" limit on extensions with SIP trunking enabled or purchase a higher limit license.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
113Invalid user context ID. Check context user level.
115No permission to add user from this context account.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
152Unable to update the information set.
200Duplicate record.{object_detail}
251Invalid parent ID.
252Invalid template ID.
260Invalid outgoing routing rules group ID.
300Invalid email address.
301Invalid country code.
303Invalid charging idenfier. The value must be alphanumeric (exception: '_', '-', '*') and have at least 6 characters and at most 32 characters.
304Invalid phone number. The value must be in the phone number format.
305Invalid fax number. The value must be in the phone number format.
306Invalid language code. Check the available PBX functions for the available language codes.
307Invalid name. The value must have at least 1 character and at most 255 characters.
308Invalid company name. The value must have at least 3 characters and at most 255 characters.
309Invalid address. The name must have at least 3 characters and at most 255 characters.
310Invalid login provided.
311Invalid city. The value must have at least 2 characters and at most 255 characters.
312Invalid postal/zip code.
313Invalid notes. The value cannot contain more than 1024 characters.
314Invalid region. Please use PBX:GetRegions for the list of available regions.
315Invalid charging plan. This charging plan does not belong to the charging plans of the user's owner.
316Invalid billing server identifier.
317Invalid billing server IP or hostname. The value must be an IPV4 IP address or a valid hostname.
318Invalid enrollment server scope. The value must have at least 2 characters and at most 255 characters.
319Invalid timezone. Please use PBX:GetTimezone for the list of available regions.
350Invalid extension type. Here are the values available: term, queue, ivr, voicecenter, queuecenter, conference, callback, callcard, intercom.
351Invalid extension number. Value must be numeric. Field must not be left empty.
354Extension number is in the forbidden extensions list.
355Invalid extension type. Extension type {extension_type} does not match extension template.
513Unable to add more extensions of the required type. The limit has been exceeded.
515Permission denied: the extension management setting is disabled.
528Permission denied: this account is irreversibly disabled from {app_name} Automation.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
055This operation is disabled because the installation is violating a licensing limit. Disable SIP trunking support on some extensions, lower the "Maximum public concurrent calls" limit on extensions with SIP trunking enabled or purchase a higher limit license.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
113Invalid user context ID. Check context user level.
115No permission to add user from this context account.
152Unable to update the information set.
200Duplicate record.{object_detail}
250Invalid user ID.
251Invalid parent ID.
252Invalid template ID.
260Invalid outgoing routing rules group ID.
300Invalid email address.
301Invalid country code.
303Invalid charging idenfier. The value must be alphanumeric (exception: '_', '-', '*') and have at least 6 characters and at most 32 characters.
304Invalid phone number. The value must be in the phone number format.
305Invalid fax number. The value must be in the phone number format.
306Invalid language code. Check the available PBX functions for the available language codes.
307Invalid name. The value must have at least 1 character and at most 255 characters.
308Invalid company name. The value must have at least 3 characters and at most 255 characters.
309Invalid address. The name must have at least 3 characters and at most 255 characters.
310Invalid login provided.
311Invalid city. The value must have at least 2 characters and at most 255 characters.
312Invalid postal/zip code.
313Invalid notes. The value cannot contain more than 1024 characters.
314Invalid region. Please use PBX:GetRegions for the list of available regions.
315Invalid charging plan. This charging plan does not belong to the charging plans of the user's owner.
316Invalid billing server identifier.
317Invalid billing server IP or hostname. The value must be an IPV4 IP address or a valid hostname.
318Invalid enrollment server scope. The value must have at least 2 characters and at most 255 characters.
319Invalid timezone. Please use PBX:GetTimezone for the list of available regions.
350Invalid extension type. Here are the values available: term, queue, ivr, voicecenter, queuecenter, conference, callback, callcard, intercom.
351Invalid extension number. Value must be numeric. Field must not be left empty.
354Extension number is in the forbidden extensions list.
355Invalid extension type. Extension type {extension_type} does not match extension template.
513Unable to add more extensions of the required type. The limit has been exceeded.
515Permission denied: the extension management setting is disabled.
528Permission denied: this account is irreversibly disabled from {app_name} Automation.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.




102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
515Permission denied: the extension management setting is disabled.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
156Unable to set provisioning system IP/hostname and PBX system IP/hostname.
157Unable to generate the phone terminal provisioning file.
250Invalid user ID.

Invalid Media encryption. Here are the values available: None, SDES, DTLS-SRTP.

499Invalid DTMF mode. Here are the values available: in band, rfc2833, info, auto.
620One or several provided codecs are outside the records available.
850Invalid password. Value must contain at least 5 characters and follow the password format.
851Invalid phone brand and model. Check the SystemAPI function GetEquipmentList for available records.
852Invalid firmware.
853Invalid phone MAC. Value must be a valid MAC address in format 00:00:00:00:00:00.
854Invalid equipment description. Value must be a string of no more than 255 characters.
855Invalid phone admin username.
856Invalid phone admin password.
857Invalid phone update interval. Value must be numeric, bigger than or equal to 1 and smaller than or equal to 999.
858Invalid provisioning system IP or hostname. Value must be an IPv4 IP Address or a valid hostname.
860Invalid protocol.
861Invalid 'Phone does not register and is located on IP'. Value must be a valid IP address.
862Invalid port. Value must be numeric, bigger than or equal to 0 and smaller than or equal to 65535.
863The phone port cannot be empty if the phone is bound to a certain IP.
864Invalid provisioning template.
865Invalid provisioning friendly name.
867Invalid provisioning serial.
873Invalid or missing connection IP.
874Invalid or missing mask.
875Invalid or missing gateway
876Invalid MAC address. The MAC address is already in the system.
879Invalid or missing MAC address.
881Invalid or missing connection setup parameters.
882Invalid 'Allow extension SIP connection only from IP '.
883Invalid 'Firmware Version'. Value must be an alphanumeric string and cannot contain characters other than -.
884Invalid 'Timezone ID'. Check the System API function GetTimezones for the records available.
496You are not allowed to use this method to provision the extension. Please use the PBX:EditDevice method.
497Invalid sipTransport. Here are the values available: UDP, TCP.
024Not allowed to set provisioning system IP or hostname.
047Permission denied. MAC based provisioning is not allowed on HTTP(S).
048MAC based provisioning is allowed only on HTTP(S).
084To make it available, purchase a higher limit SIP trunking license.
085To make it available, setup the "Maximum public concurrent calls" to a limited number.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.
496You are not allowed to provision devices.
043Provisioning disabled on extension.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.
266Invalid time interval block ID.
481Invalid test to apply to completed number. Here are the values available: 0-match, 1-does not match, 2-is anonymous.
482Invalid number or telephony regexp. Accepted values: +*XZN.[0-9] characters.
484Invalid number(s) for call transfer. Please select a valid extension/group or enter a list of external numbers.
486Invalid call priority. Value must be numeric, bigger than or equal to 0 and smaller than or equal to 100.
487Invalid position. The value must be numeric, with a maximum length of 4 digits, bigger than or equal to 0.
488Invalid rule type. Valid rule: {actions}.
491Invalid call status. Call status should be set to one of the following: 1 for No Answer, 2 for Rejected, 3 for Busy and 0 for Does not matter.
493Invalid ring interval. Accepted values: any number between 5 and 300.
494Invalid extension status. Extension status should be set to one of the following: -1 for Not Registered, 1 for Registered, 0 for Does not matter.
495Invalid password. Password must be a numeric value of no more than 5 digits.
725The 'Seconds' sound is not within the available sounds list.
025One or more incoming call rules could not be updated.
065The following sounds are invalid {sound_id}. Default values have been used.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.
266Invalid time interval block ID.
481Invalid test to apply to completed number. Here are the values available: 0-match, 1-does not match, 2-is anonymous.
482Invalid number or telephony regexp. Accepted values: +*XZN.[0-9] characters.
483Unable to change incoming call rules. Please provide valid incoming call rule IDs.
484Invalid number(s) for call transfer. Please select a valid extension/group or enter a list of external numbers.
486Invalid call priority. Value must be numeric, bigger than or equal to 0 and smaller than or equal to 100.
487Invalid position. The value must be numeric, with a maximum length of 4 digits, bigger than or equal to 0.
488Invalid rule type. Valid rule: {actions}.
490Invalid list of IDs in change order request. Sequence must contain the entire incoming call rule IDs of the extension.
491Invalid call status. Call status should be set to one of the following: 1 for No Answer, 2 for Rejected, 3 for Busy and 0 for Does not matter.
493Invalid ring interval. Accepted values: any number between 5 and 300.
494Invalid extension status. Extension status should be set to one of the following: -1 for Not Registered, 1 for Registered, 0 for Does not matter.
495Invalid password. Password must be a numeric value of no more than 5 digits.
725The 'Seconds' sound is not within the available sounds list.
025One or more incoming call rules could not be updated.
032Unable to update incoming call rules status.
033Unable to change incoming call rules order.
034Unable to change incoming call rules.
065The following sounds are invalid {sound_id}. Default values have been used.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
053The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
152Unable to update the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
360Invalid card code. Value must be 4 to 12 digits long.
361Invalid PIN number. Value must be numeric and can oly be 4 to 12 digits long.
362Invalid order number. Value cannot have more than 128 characters.
363Invalid credit. Value must be a positive float of maximum 15 digits.
527Permission denied: the limit of records has been reached.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
053The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
152Unable to update the information set.
253Invalid calling card code ID.
360Invalid card code. Value must be 4 to 12 digits long.
361Invalid PIN number. Value must be numeric and can oly be 4 to 12 digits long.
362Invalid order number. Value cannot have more than 128 characters.
363Invalid credit. Value must be a positive float of maximum 15 digits.
068Unable to update calling card code status.
087This calling card code cannot be activated. The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.
253Invalid calling card code ID.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.
362Invalid order number. Value cannot have more than 128 characters.
363Invalid credit. Value must be a positive float of maximum 15 digits.
819You do not have the permission to access this area. Global billing is disabled.
088This calling card code {identifier} is not within the list of available codes.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
819You do not have the permission to access this area. Global billing is disabled.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
053The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
152Unable to update the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
361Invalid PIN number. Value must be numeric and can oly be 4 to 12 digits long.
362Invalid order number. Value cannot have more than 128 characters.
363Invalid credit. Value must be a positive float of maximum 15 digits.
366Invalid CallerID. Value must be a valid phone number.
527Permission denied: the limit of records has been reached.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
053The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
152Unable to update the information set.
254Invalid callerID record ID.
361Invalid PIN number. Value must be numeric and can oly be 4 to 12 digits long.
362Invalid order number. Value cannot have more than 128 characters.
363Invalid credit. Value must be a positive float of maximum 15 digits.
366Invalid CallerID. Value must be a valid phone number.
034Unable to change incoming call rules.
086This callback CallerID code cannot be activated. The commercial limit provided by this license key has been reached.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.
254Invalid callerID record ID.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.
362Invalid order number. Value cannot have more than 128 characters.
363Invalid credit. Value must be a positive float of maximum 15 digits.
819You do not have the permission to access this area. Global billing is disabled.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
819You do not have the permission to access this area. Global billing is disabled.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
152Unable to update the information set.
200Duplicate record.{object_detail}
201No extension setup preferences for this extension type.
250Invalid user ID.
313Invalid notes. The value cannot contain more than 1024 characters.
350Invalid extension type. Here are the values available: term, queue, ivr, voicecenter, queuecenter, conference, callback, callcard, intercom.
400The time interval at the end of which the call can be considered without an answer must be a numeric value, bigger than 5 and smaller than 300 (seconds).
401The parking timeout must be numeric, bigger than 5 seconds and smaller than 9999 (seconds).
402Value for 'Auto delete received faxes older than ' must be a number between 1 and 999.
406Invalid voicemail auto answer time. Value must be numeric and smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
407Invalid conference room size. Value must be numeric, bigger than 2 and smaller than 99.
408Invalid fax auto answer time. Value must be numeric, smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
410Invalid password to access telephony. Value for 'Password to access telephony' must be a numeric value of 3 to 12 digits.
413Invalid number of days for messages auto delete trigger.
414Invalid CallerID. Check the 'GetAvailableCallerID' SOAP API function for the CallerIDs available.
416Invalid CallerID to set as default. Check the SOAP API function 'Get Available CallerID' for the CallerIDs available.
419Invalid voicemail password. The voicemail feature enabled requires a voicemail password (of 1 to 5 digits).
421Invalid email address for accepted fax messages.
422The virtualization code must be numeric, with mininmum 4 digits and maximum 8 digits.
450Invalid extension name. The value must be a string of length ranging from 3 to 255 characters.
451Invalid timeout (wait time in the queue). The value must be numeric, bigger than the maximum number of rings.
452Invalid extension for transferring in case of timeout. The extension must be a phone terminal belonging to the same organization.
453Invalid extension for transferring when no calls are allowed to enter queue. The extension must be a phone terminal belonging to the same organization.
454Invalid extension for transferring when calls are dropped from queue. The extension must be a phone terminal belonging to the same organization.
455Invalid queue size. The value must be numeric, bigger than 1 and smaller than 99 or unlimited.
456Invalid waiting period before retrying all agents again. The value must be numeric, bigger than 3 seconds and smaller than 900 seconds.
457Invalid service level agreement. The value must be numeric, bigger than 3 seconds and smaller than 9999 (seconds).
458Invalid maximum number of rings. The value must be numeric. This field cannot be empty.
459Invalid delay period before connecting agent to caller. The value must be numeric, bigger than or equal to 0 and smaller than or equal to 60 (seconds).
460Invalid minimum interval between calls. The value must be numeric.
461Invalid announce position/estimate hold time period. The value must be numeric. This field cannot be empty.
462Invalid periodic announcements frequency. The value must be numeric.
463When calls are dropped from queue, the transfer extension should match the transfer extension used when calls are not allowed to enter queue.
467Invalid call distribution algorithm. The available values are the following: ring all, least recent, fewest calls, random, memory, linear, wrandom.
468Invalid extension to exit on key pressed. The value must contain valid extensions on the same organization.
470Invalid trigger for conference recording. Values available: 0-never, 1-always, 2-user's choice.
475Invalid trigger for IVR session lifetime expiration. Values available: hangup, transfer, play.
476Invalid transfer extension on IVR session lifetime expiration.
477Invalid IVR name. Value must be 3 to 32 characters long.
478Invalid timeout. Value must be numeric, bigger than 2 and smaller than 60.
479Invalid IVR session lifetime. Value must be numeric, bigger than 10 and smaller than 86400.
480Invalid IVR clone extension.
485Invalid number for call transfer. Value cannot contain more than 30 digits and must follow the phone number format.
506Invalid record storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
507Invalid voicemail storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
508Invalid fax storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
720The 'Music on hold' sound folder is not among the available folders for this user.
728The 'Do not disturb' sound is not within the available sounds list.
730The 'Record' sound is not within the available sounds list.
731The 'There are' sound is not within the available sounds list.
733The 'Welcome' sound is not within the available sounds list.
736The sound played on disconnecting is not within the available sounds list.
737The sound played when connecting to the conference center is not within the available sounds list.
059Record storage space limited to the owner's quota.
065The following sounds are invalid {sound_id}. Default values have been used.
066Unable to assign currently used callerIDs.
067Unable to change phone access restriction.
077Invalid option used to allow calls to enter queue. Default value has been used instead.
078Invalid option used to drop calls from queue. Default value has been used instead




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
152Unable to update the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
400The time interval at the end of which the call can be considered without an answer must be a numeric value, bigger than 5 and smaller than 300 (seconds).
401The parking timeout must be numeric, bigger than 5 seconds and smaller than 9999 (seconds).
402Value for 'Auto delete received faxes older than ' must be a number between 1 and 999.
406Invalid voicemail auto answer time. Value must be numeric and smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
407Invalid conference room size. Value must be numeric, bigger than 2 and smaller than 99.
408Invalid fax auto answer time. Value must be numeric, smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
410Invalid password to access telephony. Value for 'Password to access telephony' must be a numeric value of 3 to 12 digits.
413Invalid number of days for messages auto delete trigger.
415Invalid notification method for newly received messages. Here are the values available: message, alert.
419Invalid voicemail password. The voicemail feature enabled requires a voicemail password (of 1 to 5 digits).
421Invalid email address for accepted fax messages.
422The virtualization code must be numeric, with mininmum 4 digits and maximum 8 digits.
485Invalid number for call transfer. Value cannot contain more than 30 digits and must follow the phone number format.
506Invalid record storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
507Invalid voicemail storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
508Invalid fax storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
531Permission denied: you are not allowed to activate {param}.
728The 'Do not disturb' sound is not within the available sounds list.
730The 'Record' sound is not within the available sounds list.
017Permission denied to modify {param}.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
152Unable to update the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
400The time interval at the end of which the call can be considered without an answer must be a numeric value, bigger than 5 and smaller than 300 (seconds).
401The parking timeout must be numeric, bigger than 5 seconds and smaller than 9999 (seconds).
402Value for 'Auto delete received faxes older than ' must be a number between 1 and 999.
406Invalid voicemail auto answer time. Value must be numeric and smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
407Invalid conference room size. Value must be numeric, bigger than 2 and smaller than 99.
408Invalid fax auto answer time. Value must be numeric, smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
410Invalid password to access telephony. Value for 'Password to access telephony' must be a numeric value of 3 to 12 digits.
413Invalid number of days for messages auto delete trigger.
419Invalid voicemail password. The voicemail feature enabled requires a voicemail password (of 1 to 5 digits).
421Invalid email address for accepted fax messages.
422The virtualization code must be numeric, with mininmum 4 digits and maximum 8 digits.
485Invalid number for call transfer. Value cannot contain more than 30 digits and must follow the phone number format.
506Invalid record storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
507Invalid voicemail storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
508Invalid fax storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
521Permission denied: the extension is not multi-user aware.
728The 'Do not disturb' sound is not within the available sounds list.
730The 'Record' sound is not within the available sounds list.
017Permission denied to modify {param}.
076Conference settings were not updated: the extension is not multi-user aware.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
152Unable to update the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
400The time interval at the end of which the call can be considered without an answer must be a numeric value, bigger than 5 and smaller than 300 (seconds).
401The parking timeout must be numeric, bigger than 5 seconds and smaller than 9999 (seconds).
402Value for 'Auto delete received faxes older than ' must be a number between 1 and 999.
406Invalid voicemail auto answer time. Value must be numeric and smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
407Invalid conference room size. Value must be numeric, bigger than 2 and smaller than 99.
408Invalid fax auto answer time. Value must be numeric, smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
410Invalid password to access telephony. Value for 'Password to access telephony' must be a numeric value of 3 to 12 digits.
413Invalid number of days for messages auto delete trigger.
419Invalid voicemail password. The voicemail feature enabled requires a voicemail password (of 1 to 5 digits).
421Invalid email address for accepted fax messages.
422The virtualization code must be numeric, with mininmum 4 digits and maximum 8 digits.
485Invalid number for call transfer. Value cannot contain more than 30 digits and must follow the phone number format.
506Invalid record storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
507Invalid voicemail storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
508Invalid fax storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
728The 'Do not disturb' sound is not within the available sounds list.
730The 'Record' sound is not within the available sounds list.
017Permission denied to modify {param}.
065The following sounds are invalid {sound_id}. Default values have been used.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
152Unable to update the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
400The time interval at the end of which the call can be considered without an answer must be a numeric value, bigger than 5 and smaller than 300 (seconds).
401The parking timeout must be numeric, bigger than 5 seconds and smaller than 9999 (seconds).
402Value for 'Auto delete received faxes older than ' must be a number between 1 and 999.
406Invalid voicemail auto answer time. Value must be numeric and smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
407Invalid conference room size. Value must be numeric, bigger than 2 and smaller than 99.
408Invalid fax auto answer time. Value must be numeric, smaller than the time interval at the end of which the call is considered with no answer.
410Invalid password to access telephony. Value for 'Password to access telephony' must be a numeric value of 3 to 12 digits.
413Invalid number of days for messages auto delete trigger.
419Invalid voicemail password. The voicemail feature enabled requires a voicemail password (of 1 to 5 digits).
420Invalid notification method for new fax. Here are the values available: fax, alert.
421Invalid email address for accepted fax messages.
422The virtualization code must be numeric, with mininmum 4 digits and maximum 8 digits.
485Invalid number for call transfer. Value cannot contain more than 30 digits and must follow the phone number format.
506Invalid record storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
507Invalid voicemail storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
508Invalid fax storage space. The value exceeds the owner's quota.
728The 'Do not disturb' sound is not within the available sounds list.
730The 'Record' sound is not within the available sounds list.
017Permission denied to modify {param}.
036Fax to voicemail feature can be enabled only when the voicemail service is enabled.
065The following sounds are invalid {sound_id}. Default values have been used.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
250Invalid user ID.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
268Invalid queue ID.
464Invalid PIN number. The value must be numeric, between 2 and 10 digits long.
465Invalid penalty. The value must be numeric, between 0 and 100.
469Invalid queue local agent ID. The value must be a valid phone terminal extension ID.
472Invalid queue local agent ID. The agent is already assigned to this queue.
532Permission denied: maximum number of queue members has been reached.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.
268Invalid queue ID.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.
268Invalid queue ID.
465Invalid penalty. The value must be numeric, between 0 and 100.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
200Duplicate record.{object_detail}
250Invalid user ID.
268Invalid queue ID.
274Invalid agent ID.
464Invalid PIN number. The value must be numeric, between 2 and 10 digits long.
465Invalid penalty. The value must be numeric, between 0 and 100.
466Invalid phone number. The value must be numeric, between 4 and 15 digits long.
471Invalid remote agent name. Agent name must be between 2 and 255 characters.
527Permission denied: the limit of records has been reached.
030No records.




051This license key allows only phone terminal extension management.
100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.
268Invalid queue ID.
274Invalid agent ID.
464Invalid PIN number. The value must be numeric, between 2 and 10 digits long.
465Invalid penalty. The value must be numeric, between 0 and 100.
466Invalid phone number. The value must be numeric, between 4 and 15 digits long.
471Invalid remote agent name. Agent name must be between 2 and 255 characters.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
117Request invalid. Missing parameter {param}.
250Invalid user ID.
448Invalid queue login PIN. Value must be numeric and cannot have more than 4 digits.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
030No records.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
496You are not allowed to provision devices.




100The authentication data for access to this area or the object identification number is invalid.
102This account has expired.
103Access to this service is denied.
104This account has been disabled.
106The parent of this account is expired.
107The parent of this account is disabled.
108The parent of this account has no control panel access.
151Unable to retrieve the information set.
250Invalid user ID.
251Invalid parent ID.
350Invalid extension type. Here are the values available: term, phoneQueue, ivr, voicecenter, queuecenter, conference, callback, callcard, intercom.
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