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Follow the next steps to add a new poll:

Use the controls available in the Add New Resource Poll fieldset to define the poll's behaviour:

  • Name - fill in the poll's name
  • Tested protocol - the list of tested protocols. The available options are:
    • HTTP
    • IMAP
    • MySQL
    • PING
    • POP3
    • SIP
    • SMTP
  • Monitoring interval - the number of minutes between two subsequent tests
  • Tested resource - specify a resource corresponding to the protocol that is to be tested. You can type in a particular IP address or hostname or you can monitor the value set for the selected records. For the later, use the $RR variable.

    $RR is replaced by one of the entries in  the Value column listed for the selected records. You can use expressions such as http://$RR or http://$RR/test.php.

  • Try resource for {x} seconds - decide for how long the round robin will attempt to access the resource before failing.

Next, choose the DNS record(s) you wish to add to the poll from the DNS Records table by selecting the corresponding check box(es) available in the M column. If you want to select all the records in the list, then simply select the check box displayed in the top header.

Click the Apply changes link to associate the selected records with the new poll.

To finalize the process, click OK and return to the previous page. Click Cancel if you do not want to create the round robin poll.

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
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