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In order to configure the global application settings, go to the Settings page and click the Application settings button under the Options area. This will open the Global application settings page where you can customize the following settings. 

Remote updates preferences

Remove zones no longer present in update source

When this option is enabled, DNS Zones that have been updated via a remote update location will be deleted if the file that was retrieved from the remote location NO LONGER CONTAINS the definition for the respective zones.

This setting helps you keep the DNS Manager server perfectly synchronized with the remote update locations.

You can enable/disable this option, or you can allow a client to manage this option by selecting the Client setting radio box.

Lock zones to an update source

When this option is enabled, a zone will be associated with a single update remote location (the first update location where the zone description is retrieved from). Any other

update location that contains a duplicate description will be ignored.

You can enable/disable this option, or you can allow the client to manage this option by selecting the Client setting radio box.

Default DNS SOA records

The SOA (Start of Authority) Record defines global parameters for the DNS Zone. There is only one SOA Record allowed in a DNS Zone file.

You can set the SOA parameters values for all the DNS Zones that have no custom configurations. Also, these SOA parameters will be the default parameters for the DNS Zones of your client accounts, that have no custom configurations.

Here are your options:

Refresh time

This field needs a 32 bit time value in seconds. This is the period of time that the secondary name server should wait before checking with the primary server to see whether the data has been modified. The default value is 10800 seconds.

RFC 1912 recommends 1200 to 43200 seconds if your data is volatile, or 43200 (12 hours) if it is not.

Retry time

This field needs a 32 bit value in seconds. When a secondary name server requests for a Zone refresh from the primary server and this fails to respond, the secondary name server waits for the refresh time before attempting another Zone refresh after the failed attempt. The default value is 3600 seconds.

Expire time

This field needs a 32 bit value in seconds. This setting indicates when the Zone is no longer authoritative and a new interrogation of the root servers is required. It applies to Slaves only. The default value is 604800 seconds. 

RFC 1912 recommends 1209600 to 2419200 seconds (2–4 weeks).

Minimum TTL

This value is used as the default TTL for new Records created within the Zone. It is also used by other DNS servers to cache negative responses (for example, when a Record does not exist). The default value is 86400 seconds.

Default TTL

This field needs a 32 bit value in seconds. This is the amount of time that Zone Records are kept in a remote host cache. It is recommended that you set a large value for this field because a small value will force remote servers to query the DNS server again for unchanged data. The default value is 604800 seconds.

Daemons monitoring

Monitor round robin

When this option is enabled, DNS Manager will monitor the rrmonitd daemon. When rrmonitd is down, the system will attempt to restart it. rrmonitd verifies whether the

records from the poll provide answers according to the monitoring protocol. If a record concurs, it will remain enabled. Otherwise, it will be disabled automatically.

Monitor DNS server

When this option is enabled, DNS Manager will monitor the DNS server. When the DNS server is down, the system will attempt to restart the server.

Monitor MySQL server

When this option is enabled, DNS Manager will monitor the MySQL server. When the MySQL server is down, the system will attempt to restart it.

Interface monitoring

When this option is enabled, DNS Manager will monitor the nginx server bundled in the product. When the server is down, the system will attempt to restart it.

Monitor zonemngd

When this option is enabled, DNS Manager will monitor zonemngd. When zonemngd is down, the system will attempt to restart it. zonemngd is a daemon that periodically writes the zone from the database to named.conf and to the zone files on disk.

Monitor updateurld

When this option is enabled, DNS Manager will monitor updateurld. When updateurld is down, the system will attempt to restart it. updateurld is a daemon that periodically imports the zones from remote update locations to the database.

Send monitoring alerts to

This is the email address where the monitoring alerts will be sent.

Email preferences

Server sends emails from address

This is the email address where email notifications originate from.

In the 'From email' field appears

This is the text that will be displayed in the Sender field of the email. Default value: "DNS Manager".

Global preferences

Maximum uploaded file size

The maximum allowed size for uploaded files. Default value: 2000 KB

Log events on level

This is where you can adjust the level of detail employed when logging events.

The following levels are available: Emergency (0), Alert (1), Critical (2), Error (3), Warning (4), Notice (5), Info (6), Debug (7). The default level is Error.

To avoid unnecessary stress on the system's resources, it is recommended to use levels above Error only for debugging and for limited periods of time.

Delete logs older than X days on a log level higher than (select)

This is where you can set the parameters for automatically clearing outdated logs.

DNS Manager will delete logs with levels higher or equal to the selected level. For instance, selecting level Warning (4) will delete the following types of log entries: Warning (4), Notice (5), Info (6) and Debug (7).

The default values are:

  • Default number of days - 7
  • Default log level - Critical (2)

You can keep the logs for maximum 1 year (365 days).

When you have finished setting up your preferences, click OK to save your settings and return to the previous page. If you want to discard these changes, click Cancel and you'll return to the previous page.

If you would like to revert your settings to their default values, click the Default SOA button.

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