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To create a new Client account, click Add Client  under Tools in the Clients management page. Enter the information required to create a new account: 

  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • Login – The username the administrator must provide in order to log in to the interface.

    The Login name must be unique in the system.

    The username must contain only the following character types:
    ◦ Any of the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet <a-z>, also included in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). The scripts of non-Latin languages (such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Korean or Japanese) are illegible.
    ◦ Any combination of the 10 decimals <0-9>, also included in the ASCII.
    ◦ Special characters like: _.-@.

  • Password – The password the administrator must provide in order to log in to the interface.

    Password Strength

    You are not allowed to fill in dictionary words or passwords containing only digits or sequences of more than three identical characters. Password strength ask for a minimum six characters long password. The password must contain only the following character types:

    ◦ Any of the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet <a-z>, also included in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). The scripts of non-Latin languages (such as Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Korean or Japanese) are illegible.
    ◦ Any combination of the 10 decimals <0-9>, also included in the ASCII.
    ◦ Special characters like: !?@#$%\/*()_+={}`~[];:,.|^&.

  • Confirm password
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • E-mail – The client's email address, which is used as the default bounce address for all his domains.

    We support IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) email addresses.

  • Address
  • City
  • Postal/ZIP code
  • State/Province - Use the drop-down list to select the administrator's state/province, if his home Country is United States.
  • Country
  • Time zone
  • Language

The required fields are marked with an asterisk. Click OK to create the new Client account. Click Cancel, if you want to return to the previous page without creating the account.

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