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In this area you will find the changelog for 4PSA DNS Manager 4.0.1 release.

What's New?

Features Enhancement Resolved

4PSA DNS Manager 4.0.1 release 120320.02

Compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 / CentOS 6.x-
Improved documentation related to target of SRV records.#DNSM-6315
License can now be updated through SystemAPI.#DNSM-6306
Upgraded admin server, fixes some issues with Chrome and Internet Explorer on SSL#DNSM-6341
Fixed issue in updateurld that prevented SERIAL to update when changes imported from a remote location file that did not contain SOA records.#DNSM-6188
dig is not called any more in view zone details page.#DNSM-6286
Fixed error in SystemAPI's EditDNSZone method that prevented changing the zone's status.#DNSM-6333

Upgraded libmysql which fixed plesk_win script compatibility issues with MySQL 5.1/5.5.


Known Issues

There are no known limitations in 4PSA DNS Manager 4.0.1.

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