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The global transfer IPs are DNS server IPs that are allowed to transfer (copy) the zone information from the server (master or slave for the zone). This page describes how to manage them.

Managing global transfer IPs

The global transfer IPs are recorded in the named.conf file in the acl (Access Control Lists) clauses. To manage them, go to the Server Settings page and click Global Transfer IPs under Options. This page displays the list of the global transfer IPs and lets you add or delete IPs.

If the global transfer IPs list is too long, you can use the Search feature. Write down the search criteria in the text box and click the Search button. Only the IPs that match the search criteria will be displayed. To display the entire list, press the button Show all button.

To remove IPs from the list, select them and click the Remove selected link at the top of the table.

To add a new Global Transfer IP address, enter the IP or the IP/Mask address in the Slave DNS server IP or IP/Mask address field (e.g.,, 2002:a96:b95::a96f:b95, 2001:1234:abcd:5678:9877:3322:5541:aabb/96 ) and click OK

You can add multiple IP or IP/Mask addresses in a single operation.

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