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This page explains how to manage your DNS Zones, including the steps required for deleting DNS Zones.


To access the DNS Zones Management page, click the DNS Zones link in the navigation menu.

This page lists all the available DNS zones with the following details:

  • S: This column displays the status of the corresponding zone: active or inactive. Click the icon to change the status.
  • T: This column displays the type of the corresponding DNS Zones: Master or Slave.
  • Zone State: This column displays a warning icon if named found problems in the zone's records.
  • DNS Zone name: The name of the DNS Zone.
  • First name server: The host name of the first name server registered on this DNS Zone
  • Created: The date when the zone was created on the system.

The first name server of slave zones is not displayed.

You can sort such information by type, DNS Zone name, client name, and creation date. Just click the table header links. 

If you are searching for a specific DNS Zone, you can use the following search features:

  • Search: Fill in the text you are looking for in the text box.
  • and include [ ] records also: Select the checkbox if you want to search through the Value field from the DNS records.

Removing DNS Zones

To remove a DNS Zone, select its corresponding checkbox and click the Remove Selected link.

In the new page that opens, confirm the removal operations and click OK. You can delete several DNS Zones at the same time.

When a zone managed from a Remote Update location is deleted, it is no longer possible to be imported from that Remote location. The respective zone can be imported only by pressing the Update Now button.

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