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This page explains how to view the sessions established by the users who have logged in to the system.

In order to manage user sessions, go to the Settings page and click the Sessions icon under Options.

In the Sessions management page, you can view a list of all sessions, search for a specific one and terminate sessions. The following information is available:

  • T: This column displays the account type of the user who generated the corresponding session: Administrator or Client account;
  • Login: The username used to login;
  • Client Name: The name of the corresponding user;
  • Login Time: The date and time when the session was started;
  • Expire Time:  The time left to the end of the user session;
  • IP Address: The IP address the user logged in from.

To terminate an existing session, select its corresponding checkbox and click the Remove selected link. DNS Manager will ask for your confirmation before terminating sessions. You can terminate one or several sessions at the same time.

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