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This page explains how to add new DNS Zones to a client account and how to manage the DNS Records for a specific Zone.

To reach a client DNS Zones Management page, select the client from the list. This page displays a list of the DNS zones available for the client account. The following details are available:

  • S displays the status of the corresponding zone: active or inactive. Click the icon to change the status.
  • T displays the type of the corresponding DNS Zones: Master or Slave.
  • DS(Zone State) is the DNS state which displays the zone health.
  • DNS zone name
  • First name server is the host name of the first name server registered on this DNS Zone.
  • Created is the when the zone was created on the system.

The first name server of slave zones is not displayed.

The information can be sorted by type, DNS Zone name, first name server and creation date by clicking the table header links.

When searching for specific DNS Zone, you can use one or more of the available filters:

  • Search {name} and include [] records also: in the {name} text box, you need to enter the name of the DNS Zones you are looking for; select the [] records checkbox if you want the search to be performed through the Value field from the DNS records.
  • Search: click this link, and all the DNS Zones matching your search criteria will be displayed.
  • Show all: once the DNS Zones list is filtered, you can click this link to discard the filter and display all the DNS Zones.

Other operations can be performed by using the following action links:

  • Show columns - You can filter the columns displayed in the table by clicking this link.
  • Change owner - If you want to change the client a zone belongs to, select its corresponding checkbox and follow the instructions in this page.
  • SPF rules - You can add Server Policy Framework (SPF) rules to your DNS zones. To do so, choose the zones by selecting their corresponding checkboxes and follow the instructions in this page

SPF rules are available only for forward master zones.

  • Glue records - For more information, check this page.
  • Group operations – Choose the desired zones from the list by selecting their corresponding checkboxes and click this link to make group changes to all the selected DNS zones. For more information, check this page.
  • Remove selected - Choose the client accounts you want to delete.

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